My First Cycle of Test E and 3J Diet Log


New member
My pinning will start on July 29th (or might hold it up until the Monday after that), I'm just starting this now to keep good log from where I'm currently at all the way up to probably 2 weeks after post cycle therapy (pct). I'll do a daily post of my work out and how I felt throughout the day for probably the first 2-3 weeks if I can. I'll be posting pictures every Thursday and measurements to show my current progress. My current Goal is to be at state better than I was back when I was in Army and had to get out of active duty due to an injury and to take advantage of my educational benefits.

My Current stats as of today July 25th are as follow:

I'm 27 years old, 205 lbs, BF at about 20%, and 5'11''

My Diet:

I won't really go into detail as to what my current diet is since it will be changing quite a bit throughout the course of all of this. Right now I'm on 3J's Carb cycling diet starting at 300g-200g-100g as my baseline.

Workout Split:

My Work out split for right now will be;
Monday - chest
Tuesday - Back
Wed - Shoulders
Thursday - Legs
Friday- Bi/tri and throwing in some forearms
Saturday & Sunday - Rest
*I'll be doing empty stomach cardio Monday through Friday just like I used to do it back in the Army. I'll be doing a mix of spinning and HIIT(2 during the week)*


Weeks 1-12: Test E 400mg (Split Monday and Thursday)
Weeks 1-14: Arimidex .25mg EOD and raise as needed

PCT: Clomid 50/50/50/50, Nolva 40/40/20/20

Here are my current baseline photos as of today 07/25:

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*There will be new info added next week!!!*
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being honest you needed at least i mean really 6 juice isnt for starting you workouts but rather to get you passed you stuck points.
ive been working out off and on but 3 months back on and ive been on juice a few times.. this pic you showed me only shows you need 6 months at least in the gym hard at it then maybe juice.. but each is to his own hope you do well.
im already built but only weigh in at 160.8 and im up on pound in 2 weeks. my goal is to get 12 pounds
You're closer to 25%BF imho.

I would concentrate on reducing your current BF to around 15% using your proposed diet before beginning this cycle. Doing so will reduce the likelihood of unwanted high E2 sides that usually accompany high BF.

Also, when you're ready to begin, add in some hCG on cycle and you're golden.

Good luck.
You're closer to 25%BF imho.

I would concentrate on reducing your current BF to around 15% using your proposed diet before beginning this cycle. Doing so will reduce the likelihood of unwanted high E2 sides that usually accompany high BF.

Also, when you're ready to begin, add in some hCG on cycle and you're golden.

Good luck.

I'm aware of the side effects since Testosterone converts estrogen in fat cells, and the bigger they are the more they are converted. But Test is also good for helping cutting down fat %. I'll be doing more than one Blood work during the cycle to monitor my Estrogen levels and keep them in check to avoid side effects. As for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), I don't want to take it this first cycle since I want to see exactly how my body reacts to the usage of AAS, this way I know what sort of cycle I can possibly do next if I choose to do another.

I'm sure that I'm closer to 20% BF as I tested it by measuring several body parts and using an online calculator and also by the use of a caliper. I'll probably end up waiting to pin for another 2 weeks though just because I want to see how effective my current diet plan is. You can get great results with a good Diet, Workout routine, and the usage of Test E to cut down, but you need to be dedicated to your goal. I'm not here to half ass anything as I'm very anal when it comes to doing things by the letter. I greatly appreciate all of your inputs as I know that you are looking out for my best interest and I thank you all for that.
You're welcome.

Start a log in the members results forum and keep notes on everything that you experience (or don't experience) while on cycle. It will provide a valuable resource to use as a guideline for future cycles.
I agree that he should wait and drop his bf naturally but I was thinking, I know the more fat you have the more likely you are to get sides but what if he upped his adex dose? I've never heard of anyone with higher bf doing that but to me it sounds like it would work. He could maybe do .25mg ed or .5mg eod depending on sides. I wouldn't recommend doing it because I don't think people should cycle over 15% unless they are a power lifter but theoretically wouldn't that work? Again I don't really condone cycling with that high bf just something I kinda thought of.
So I just got my blood work done this morning by lab corp. Had to drive all the way out to CT from NJ for about 45mins but I guess it's worth it. I will be using HCG for my cycle after all, but, I'll will be starting my cycle a bit later on, like around the end of Aug(about the same time as my birthday lol). I want to see how my body is reacting to the new diet I have in place with 3j. I'm already seeing some results and want to make sure that I'm responding well to it before starting. Once I start the cycle I'll probably end up doing maybe 2 blood work while on cycle, at the 5-6 week point and the 10-12 week point, and then one last blood test after post cycle therapy (pct). This way I'll be able to maintain a good grasp on my E2 levels while on cycle.

The first pin will all be depending how I'm feeling by the end of Aug and how my current body state is. As for the BF %, I have read several post(not only here) from people that were in the 20-23% range and manage to drop down to 16-17% while on cycle by properly using (or by guessing, however you want to see it) Adex. So all in all, it's doable. I'm not expecting for the Test E to do all of the work, that would be just stupid. There's a reason for my training regimen and my current diet goals.

AS for this log; I'll be doing probably updates twice a week(or maybe just once a week) on my current status up to the point when I start pinning. At which date I will start doing daily logs, or keep them as twice a week.
I'm aware of the side effects since Testosterone converts estrogen in fat cells, and the bigger they are the more they are converted. But Test is also good for helping cutting down fat %. I'll be doing more than one Blood work during the cycle to monitor my Estrogen levels and keep them in check to avoid side effects. As for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), I don't want to take it this first cycle since I want to see exactly how my body reacts to the usage of AAS, this way I know what sort of cycle I can possibly do next if I choose to do another.

I'm sure that I'm closer to 20% BF as I tested it by measuring several body parts and using an online calculator and also by the use of a caliper. I'll probably end up waiting to pin for another 2 weeks though just because I want to see how effective my current diet plan is. You can get great results with a good Diet, Workout routine, and the usage of Test E to cut down, but you need to be dedicated to your goal. I'm not here to half ass anything as I'm very anal when it comes to doing things by the letter. I greatly appreciate all of your inputs as I know that you are looking out for my best interest and I thank you all for that.

Test will on,y help you cut if your levels are low and by saving muscle mass during the cut. If you don't know your test levels it's not wise to just assume the test will help your cut bc it really might not. I would guess you're closer to 25% than you think but just remember calipers are not the most accurate method to test ESPECIALLY if you're not trained in its use and have a practiced hand. Slid choice in waiting to cycle though. With 3J you'll be getting results very quickly. I can vouch for his services, happy customer here :)