my first cycle. test e and dbol.


New member
Hey everybody. Decided to jump into the world of chemicals after about six years of lifting. I purposefully waited about five years to start this because everything I read said you should be at least 25.
Well now I'm 25 and I have spent hours upon his learning how to do this as safely as possible. With some help from the experience users from this sight I hope to learn even more. Nothing beats experience!
Height 6'3"
Weight: just finished cutting down to 200lbs because I hear it's good to be lean for a cycle
Experience: 5 plus years of obsessive learning. Lead to becoming a personal trainer ( I realize PTs have a bad rep but I'm one of the good ones ;)
Current strength (numbers are from last log in my book)
Squat 335x3x3 followed by a 225x20 burn set
Bench 245x3x3 then db press 45x12x2
Row 245x3x3 then bent over db row 45x12x2

I took a couple months off for my wedding and that cost me a good ten to twenty on all my lifts but that's part of the game.
Now on to the cycle. I'm running test e with a dbol kick start. I couldn't get anything less concentrated than 500mg/ml and holy effing pip. I ordered sterile cottonseed oil to help dilute the test so if anybody knows how to safely get both oils into the syringe that would be appreciated. I'm running 250mg every three days so that is half a ml. If I do a 1 to 1 ratio of cottonseed to test then I should get a nice watered down 250mg/ml...That's my logic anyways.
I'm pinning with a 23g 1.5 inch needle but I have some 25g on the way. So far I've done both quads and now I can barely walk lol. The right quad is loosening up after 6 days. I'm ruling out infection because there is no fever redness or edema of any sorts. Just crippling pain. Virgin muscles probably don't help either. Injections were done about two thirds up the quad on the outer side. Watched numerous tutorials to get it right.
I'll be doing 28 injections over the course of twelve weeks at 250mg every three days. I'm dosing 50mg of dbol split into two doses for the first 25 days.
I may have went overboard on the cautions. I have on hand letro, ralox, aromisane, and nolva. After I got all that I decided to taper off test so at least estrogen sides and gyno should be easily manageable.

I think that might be it for my first post. I'd greatly appreciate it if some more experienced people than myself would kindly follow my progress and perhaps provide friendly helping tips. If I left anything out please let me know so I can get it up.
Should mention that I'm eating 4000 calories a day to start body weight in protein and double for carbs. Might slack on the carbs while on cycle, but naturally if I don't eat a crap ton of them then I start to shrivel.. Fat will be limited of course. I won't cut fat out completely but it will definitely be limited.
As strength and weight increases I expect to up my intake of calories.
Six days in and I've noticed a sight increase in appetite but nothing in the gym so far. From what I hear it can take dbol up to two weeks to go full swing so I'm not too concerned.
Can't train quads because of pip, but I made progress in the gym. Nothing more than normal though.
Third injection was cut with cottonseed oil to give me a less concentrated 250mg dose. Still made my quad store and stuff but nothing like it was. I think i will try the delt next.
Day 11 and I'm up seven pounds. I'm sure it's pretty much all water weight. No estrogen sides from the dbol yet but I have started sweating buckets when I sleep at night.
Tomorrow is lower body and traps so I'm hoping to feel the dbol kicking in finally. I hope I don't have a bunk batch for a kick start to my cycle.
Blood work will be done at week six. Eating is the main problem at the moment, but that is being remedied very quickly.
If anybody has any advice on how much you can increase volume/intensity while on cycle that would be greatly appreciated.