My First Cycle: Test-E


New member
My First Cycle: Test-E ***PICS***

Hello people

Am starting this thread as a log of my upcoming first cycle.


Age: 34
Height: 6'0
Weight: 196 lbs
BF: 12-15 %
10 years lifting experience


Im still about 3-4 weeks away from starting as I want to get my BF down a bit more

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Sorry about the dodgy underpants shots but eh...what can you do lol

The Gear;

2 x Fuerza 300 Test-E 10ml
2 x AML 250 Test-E 20ml (damn I wish they had the 50ml jugs when I put in my order...oh well next time)
120 caps AML D-Bol 20mg
240 caps AML Anavar 20mg

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The cycle;

Wk 1-12 : Test-E 500mg (pinning 250mg Mon & Thur)
Wk 1-12 : Adex 0.5mg EOD
I also have 240 x 20mg Anavar but at the moment its not in the plan to definitely use it in this cycle. I want to see how my body reacts to a strict test only cycle first.

PCT : Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20
I also have HCG but not 100% decided if i will use it yet. Any advice on the use of HCG for this particular cycle would be welcome.

My Goals;

I am not sure if this is too ambitious a goal or not but I would like to reach 220lbs while keeping the BF as low as possible. My diet is falling into place pretty well. I know its eat eat eat but also keeping it clean. Fingers crossed.

I will post pics of my gear when it arrives (next week hopefully) and also some pre-cycle body shots.

Im excited (and slightly nervous lol) to get started. Please feel free to comment/critique and I will do my best to keep you updated on my progress


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my starting same cycle tomorrow test e only.and yes i will be running Hcg throughout the cycle.i dont wanna take the risk of getting shut down as i'm just 23
You dont really need hcg for a test only cycle. You only need hcg if you run deca or npp or tren. Test only cycles are so easy to recover from. btw you need to do more research on your post cycle therapy (pct). your clomid is good at 50/50/50/50 but your dosage on your nolva is to low. Do your research on it and tell me what you figure up and ill correct it if its wrong.
You dont really need hcg for a test only cycle. You only need hcg if you run deca or npp or tren. Test only cycles are so easy to recover from. btw you need to do more research on your post cycle therapy (pct). your clomid is good at 50/50/50/50 but your dosage on your nolva is to low. Do your research on it and tell me what you figure up and ill correct it if its wrong.

Yep cheers for that. I had another look at the PCT sticky and it recommended 40/40/20/20
Just theorizing for a moment. Since i am going to have 40mls of Test-E 250 which is well and truly enough for a 12 week cycle should I ;

a) pin 250 E3D instead of twice per week which works out at 583mg per week as opposed to 500
b) run 500mg for 14 or 15 weeks instead of 12
c) stick with original plan and save the left over for a potential 2nd cycle

input appreciated

Hey Train,

Looks like youve done your research which is great. I would stick with option C, your original plan with a few exceptions.

1. Dont start the Arimidex until week 2, it takes a few weeks for the Test to kick in.
2. PCT, make sure it startes 2 weeks after last jab and only use Nolva or Clomid, not both.
3. MOST def use the HCG starting week 2, pin twice P/W @250iui. Your nuts will shrink to hell otherwise, lol.
4. I used Anavar (var) on my first cycle and really enjoyed it, you can use it as a bridge into PCT at end of cycle, EG -

Week 1-12 - Test 250mg twice P/W
Week 2-14 - Dex 1/4 tab EOD
Week 2-14 - HCG 250iu twice P/W
Week 6-10 - Anavar (var) 60mg ED
Week 10-14 - Anavar (var) 80mg ED
Week 14-16 - Nolva 40mg ED
Week 16-18 - Nolva 20mg ED

Just my 2 cents :)
Thanks for the input SouthernCross. Nice to see a fellow aussie here ;-)

I am strongly considering using the HCG during cycle at this stage. Even if just for the aesthetic appearance of my boys lol.
As far as PCT goes my understanding is that clomid and nolva work together very well in restoring natural test levels much better that using one or the other on its own???
I have only used Nolva myself and was always told to use just the one, but your choice, not gonna hurt I guess.

And def use the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), your nuts will shrink to nothing otherwise, lol.

Good luck with it mate
i am doing a cycle very similar to this.

Weeks Test (mg/week) Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (iu/every 4-5 days)
1 500 300-500
2 500 300-500
3 500 300-500
4 500 300-500
5 500 300-500
6 500 300-500
7 500 300-500
8 500 300-500
9 500 300-500
10 500 300-500

PCT (Post Cycle Therapy)

Week Nolva (mg/day) Clomid (mg/day)
11 40 100
12 30 50
13 20 50

although i have read that most people start their PCT a week or two after their last pin..dunno if you are doing the same. I have also heard a-dex and nolva shouldnt be used together? i bought some a-dex i just havent decided yet if i want to use them both, very intrigued how it goes..good luck!
good luck mate im starting same cycle in june so will follow your progress closely i think with good diet you should achive your goals keep us posted with plenty of pics but not dodgy underpants lol
i am doing a cycle very similar to this.

Weeks Test (mg/week) Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (iu/every 4-5 days)
1 500 300-500
2 500 300-500
3 500 300-500
4 500 300-500
5 500 300-500
6 500 300-500
7 500 300-500
8 500 300-500
9 500 300-500
10 500 300-500

post cycle therapy (pct) (Post Cycle Therapy)

Week Nolva (mg/day) Clomid (mg/day)
11 40 100
12 30 50
13 20 50

although i have read that most people start their post cycle therapy (pct) a week or two after their last pin..dunno if you are doing the same. I have also heard a-dex and nolva shouldnt be used together? i bought some a-dex i just havent decided yet if i want to use them both, very intrigued how it goes..good luck!

I'm going to wait 2 weeks after last pin before starting post cycle therapy (pct).
I have not read anything about nolva and adex shouldn't be used together. I have read that adex during cycle is good for, among other things obviously, reducing risk of gyno. However if you start to shows signs you can take some nolva ed until is gone. I think 20mg a day until signs are gone
Stuck my first pin today ;-)
I think having a job where i am injecting other people all the time made it a relatively easy experience for me.
Soooooo....let the fun begin i guess
24hours post first pin. Just the smallest amount of PIP. To be expected since it is virgin muscle but its not restrictive In any way so pretty happy with that
4th pin today.
Was happy with where i stuck it but think i may have gone very close to a nerve as when i pushed in the muscle contracted very hard involuntarily. So pulled out and went the other leg. Will be interesting to see if that causes me any pain over the next few days