My first cycle - Test, keeping it simple


New member
Hello everyone, as the title says this is going to be my first cycle.
A few words about me: 178cm (5ft10), 86kg (189lbs), Testosterone levels: 369 ng/dL, 25 years old, male.
Approximate macros: 200P/200C/70F

The cycle:
Week 1-12 Test-E 250mg Monday and Thursday
Week 1-14 HCG 250iu Monday and Thursday
Week 1-14 .25mg 1st 2 weeks, .5mg after

Week 14-18 Clomid 50mg every day
Week 14-18 Nolvadex 20mg every day

Your thoughts, recommendations, experiences from first cycle, getting gear online, tips and tricks (especially regarding injections) are all greatly appreciated. And a more specific question: Twice a week I play tennis, should I stop this activity while on cycle or will I have no problem with it?
May want to wait 3 weeks to start pct instead of 2. Look up pct calculator.

Are you planning on getting bloodwork done to see if your ai is dialed in or are you just bumping it up?

You can do whatever physical activities you want on cycle.
Welcome to the board :wavey: You're on the right track. Protocol is looking good also.

Now, I don't know what or what level of knowledge you have of the use of AAS . SO just maybe to help you. If you haven't then read AL the sticky posts back where you came in to start your tread. If you are not familiar with ALL the unwanted sides of High n Low estrogen you need to so you can be on top of what's going on.

Read up on Estrogen, Prolactin and Progesterone.

Eat like a monster and train like a beast be patient and you will do OK

Good Luck
All Dr prescribed of course ;)
Tips....the smaller the needle, the harder it is to inject. This sounds obvious bit when I say it's hard to inject I mean it takes a lot of pressure and if going in the glutes then a steady hand is damn near impossible (with 25 gauge). The 25 gauge you won't even feel go in bit injecting is hell. I like a 22......much easier. Some guys warm the solution to make it easier with the small needle but I just go with the 22 and don't bother warming. Obviously the 20 is easier but sucks a little more if you are injecting yourself. This sounds really wimpy but I know a lot of guys are scared of injecting at first :) You get used to it. I always use the glites and alternate which side.
Results......dont expect much for at least 3 to 6 weeks. At 3 weeks all my lifts begin climbing and at week 4 I feel like there isn't enough weight in the gym :) BE CAREFUL HERE. Your muscles will easily out perform your joints and connective tissue, so injury is a VERY real concern. Avoid injury by NOT MAXING OUT and increase your reps instead. I like 8 to 12 reps.
Sex drive in the 3 to 6 week range will suddenly go through the roof!!! Enjoy:)
As stated before this reply, by a very experienced member, get your blood work done and keep an eye on estrogen. Learn as much as you can about the sides.
Good luck bro.......keep us informed of your progress and enjoy the ride.....THE FIRST TIME IS BAD ASS!!! AT least that's what I hear;)
Consult a Dr......then enjoy
Hello everyone, as the title says this is going to be my first cycle.
A few words about me: 178cm (5ft10), 86kg (189lbs), Testosterone levels: 369 ng/dL, 25 years old, male.
Approximate macros: 200P/200C/70F

The cycle:
Week 1-12 Test-E 250mg Monday and Thursday
Week 1-14 HCG 250iu Monday and Thursday
Week 1-14 .25mg 1st 2 weeks, .5mg after

Week 14-18 Clomid 50mg every day
Week 14-18 Nolvadex 20mg every day

Your thoughts, recommendations, experiences from first cycle, getting gear online, tips and tricks (especially regarding injections) are all greatly appreciated. And a more specific question: Twice a week I play tennis, should I stop this activity while on cycle or will I have no problem with it?

You have pretty much laid out the bog standard cycle, so no issues other than timing between last shot and PCT and AI dosing. You are showing week #13 off then start PCT - one week off is not enough, three weeks would be better and would give you three half lives of enanthate. AI dosing you don't say how often. Are you saying start 0.25 per day then 0.5 per day? That's too much. Whatever you take plan to dial it in with bloodwork around week 7.
looks spot on mate, just be sure to do bloodworks before, during and after to monitor your levels right and plesse keep us posted. especially,if you get sides.
All Dr prescribed of course ;)
Tips....the smaller the needle, the harder it is to inject. This sounds obvious bit when I say it's hard to inject I mean it takes a lot of pressure and if going in the glutes then a steady hand is damn near impossible (with 25 gauge). The 25 gauge you won't even feel go in bit injecting is hell. I like a 22......much easier. Some guys warm the solution to make it easier with the small needle but I just go with the 22 and don't bother warming. Obviously the 20 is easier but sucks a little more if you are injecting yourself. This sounds really wimpy but I know a lot of guys are scared of injecting at first :) You get used to it. I always use the glites and alternate which side.
Results......dont expect much for at least 3 to 6 weeks. At 3 weeks all my lifts begin climbing and at week 4 I feel like there isn't enough weight in the gym :) BE CAREFUL HERE. Your muscles will easily out perform your joints and connective tissue, so injury is a VERY real concern. Avoid injury by NOT MAXING OUT and increase your reps instead. I like 8 to 12 reps.
Sex drive in the 3 to 6 week range will suddenly go through the roof!!! Enjoy:)
As stated before this reply, by a very experienced member, get your blood work done and keep an eye on estrogen. Learn as much as you can about the sides.
Good luck bro.......keep us informed of your progress and enjoy the ride.....THE FIRST TIME IS BAD ASS!!! AT least that's what I hear;)
Consult a Dr......then enjoy

Wow, Wow ! ! :) Hey I like that ^^^^ post .

AH ha ha haaa , All Dr prescribed of course ;) Now that was cool :D

Hey OP what our friend LateStart above said was pretty right on in the generality of things to know, expect and understand with your cycle.

Stick around learn , start a log we / I like to see the logs. If you need help , well that's just what O'logy does as we all continue to learn.

:elephant: , ... OMM
You have pretty much laid out the bog standard cycle, so no issues other than timing between last shot and PCT and AI dosing. You are showing week #13 off then start PCT - one week off is not enough, three weeks would be better and would give you three half lives of enanthate. AI dosing you don't say how often. Are you saying start 0.25 per day then 0.5 per day? That's too much. Whatever you take plan to dial it in with bloodwork around week 7.

Yes!! If that AI is anastrozole I like .25 for every 200-250mg test AND THIS IS PER WEEK NOT DAY. Agreed with the above that per day would crash you.
So...250mg =.25 per week......... 500mg =.5 per week. This is just what I like and I have no bloodwork to back this up it's just where I feel best. Get more advice on it.......from your Dr of course.
Wow, thanks for all the info everyone, really appreciate it.

So to clarify this part: Week 1-14 .25mg 1st 2 weeks, .5mg after <- Here I forgot to add a pretty important word, Arimidex.

@tbonexl : I didn't have a solid plan regarding the bloodwork to be honest, I did some fairly recently hence the total testosterone number but apart from that I didn't have a game plan for the rest of the cycle. I understand that's my mistake, I'll probably find the tests that I need to do on some sticky somewhere around here won't I? :p

@oldmusclemike : I have read up a lot on estrogen but have admittedly neglected Prolactin and Progesterone. Thanks for bringing those up!

@LateStart : Thanks for the warnings! Would've sucked to get on Test just to injure myself :p

@ tankmanbob : Thanks for the PCT advice. I was planning on using the AI twice a week but this was more of a guesstimation based and what I've read/heard/seen around.

@ LateStart : Unfortunately doctors over here will never help out on a subject like this. Not that I blame them, I understand their position to an extent. Thanks for the AI advice!

Thankfully I didn't start the cycle yet so I'll have the time to take advantage of all the advice!
This is great mestamat..... This is what we like to hear on the board , that is you have learned something , and have learned that there is so much more to cycling safely then most guys think.

Speaking for myself but as a senior member here , it is gratifying to have someone come to us before they pull that trigger and decide to take more time prior , to read more, listen and be willing to trust our experience for direction.

Good luck with your furthered research and eventual new cycle protocol. :)


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Adex for 500 mg/wk Test E would be 0.9 mg/wk, or 0.13 mg/day or 0.26 mg EOD.

You could take 0.5mg E3.5D if you wanted, but that's stretching it a bit thin. Better to take 0.25 mg EOD.

Or aromasin is a slightly better choice in term of impact to your lipid profile and ability to avoid crashing if you take too much. For aromasin 12.5 mg EOD would be good, or if you can get the dosing this fine 6.25 mg ED is better due to the short half life.

Did you catch the part about waiting another week or two after #13 to start your PCT? You want the exogenous test you've been injecting to bleed down further before you start PCT to have the best chance of success.
Wow, thanks for all the info everyone, really appreciate it.

So to clarify this part: Week 1-14 .25mg 1st 2 weeks, .5mg after <- Here I forgot to add a pretty important word, Arimidex.

@tbonexl : I didn't have a solid plan regarding the bloodwork to be honest, I did some fairly recently hence the total testosterone number but apart from that I didn't have a game plan for the rest of the cycle. I understand that's my mistake, I'll probably find the tests that I need to do on some sticky somewhere around here won't I? :p

@oldmusclemike : I have read up a lot on estrogen but have admittedly neglected Prolactin and Progesterone. Thanks for bringing those up!

@LateStart : Thanks for the warnings! Would've sucked to get on Test just to injure myself :p

@ tankmanbob : Thanks for the PCT advice. I was planning on using the AI twice a week but this was more of a guesstimation based and what I've read/heard/seen around.

@ LateStart : Unfortunately doctors over here will never help out on a subject like this. Not that I blame them, I understand their position to an extent. Thanks for the AI advice!

Thankfully I didn't start the cycle yet so I'll have the time to take advantage of all the advice!
wish more if our new member would think like this, good for you for thinking it through and looking forward to your logs.
@oldmusclemike : The world of AAS can look like a scary place at times so I am grateful for all the help and encouragement.

@tankmanbob : I understood the part regarding the test being released, thanks! Also I will look into aromasin a bit more since you seem to prefer it in some respect over arimidex.

@casanovaaa : To be honest I am an overly cautious kind of person so I couldn't even imagine going at it without posting/asking for advice. I also look forward to posting my, hopefully, successful logs on here!