Definitely as your entire results are not from the gear but what you do while using the gear. Diet, rest, and exercise will be the key factors in your results.
Test only for a first cycle and incorporate other compounds later on down the road in other cycles, you want test only to be able to judge how your body reacts to a test only.
Think about it for a moment, lets say you run test deca and dbol as a first cycle 5-6 weeks in you experience some complications or negative side effects, do you know which compound is causing the issue and which one to address to rectify the issue. You wouldn't because you have no clue how your body reacts to each component in the cycle. I am a firm believe in incorporating 1 compound at a time in progresion to judge your body's reaction and in the long run is safer and more beneficial. You need to learn your body, do it right and minimize the negative as much as possible.