my first cycle with a strong ph/ps(M1T)


Wants in
Alright, I am 20 years old i have been working out for the last year of my life strongly. The previous two years of my life i had a girlfriend and we lived together and i lost alot of intrest in EVERYTHING. I learned alot and i know that i love how i use to be in the gym so i got back into it hard. As a senoir in highschool and a dedicated wrestler i weighed 112 pounds and max out my bench at 235 and my squat .. this is kinda funny at only 275. i could clean 175 pounds and my deadlift as at 420(not the straight bar deadlift the square you step in.
Ok now that you know a little about my past experience of lifting i figured i would share this information with you. After a year of working out (not hitting a platue but slowing down and losing intrest in the weightroom) i figured it was time to amp up my workout. I researched a little while on the internet and chatted with some people and i learned that prohormones were going to be banned and what not and i had also learned that methlyated 1-testosterone was a good ph/ps and great for when boredem struck the gym.
And that is pretty much what it was. I did not get crazy in the gym ( i think lol) but i did get alot of focus from m1t. After a few days of taking 10 mg a day i started to feel it. for a week i took 10 mg and then for the next 3 weeks i took 20 mg. I raised my protein intake to about 200 grams a day. I weighed 145 pounds when i started taking m1t. I was taking creatine for a while and stopped taking it in the middle of my cycle. At the end of my third week i weighed 162. by the end of my cycle i was down to 150 pounds. I was kinda confused, but i figured it was all the excess water draining out of my system. I didnt get mad because my gains continued to increase. My bench press went from being able to do 175 pounds 3 sets of 10 to being able to do 205 pounds 3 sets of 10.Not increadible gains but i was not trully expecting it to be a body in a bottle. I was completely amazed with the product though. I have a pictured documention of what looked like weekely and as soon as i can get over my brothers house i will have them on the net. I went from a beer bellied lifter that weighed 145 pounds to a fairly cut up lifter that is a solid 151 pounds.
I will be doing my post cycle therapy (pct) for 4 weeks and i am going to run me another cycle of m1t at 20 mgs for 4 weeks.. i will picture document that peroid of my life as well..... i will answer anyquestion ya'll got for me.... :Pump:
I would also like to add that the side effects of the m1t were as follows. Extreme insomnia and mild lethargy untill i got into the weight room. The whole time i was taking m1t it felt as if i wasnt living untill i was in the weight room.
I will get the pics of how i looked when i weighed 112 (this was in 03 right before i graduated) up probably withing the next week..... I will also have the pics of when i started my cycle of m1t untill now.....and thank you for the props.
112 and benching 230, I dunno bro. My girls 13 yr. old weighs that and he can barely press 70. How do you only weigh 112 and lift so much?