My first cycle

wayyy to fat to be starting a cycle. And before you say "but that's why i'm using cytomel", listen up. T3 is nothing to fuck with, esp for a beginner. It will eat through everything, even if you're on AAS. You obviously don't know how to diet properly, so fucking w your thyroid woul dbe an even worse idea.

My advice, cause i peg you at about 20%BF+, is to lean up to a nice 13-14% and see what you look like. My guess is you can get to a lean 235lbs naturally. Actually, its not a guess, i know you can.
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yeah ive gained alot over the past year, i used to be about 195 at around 15%..what would you suggest i try?
just cardio and dieting? bc ive got some winstrol...never tried it before though.
yeah ive gained alot over the past year, i used to be about 195 at around 15%..what would you suggest i try?
just cardio and dieting? bc ive got some winstrol...never tried it before though.

yes, cardio and diet. Diet being most important. you don't need drugs right now. COntrary to popular belief. Winstrol, nor any steroid, doesn't mae you 'cut'.

Check out the diet forum on here.