My First Cycle


New member
Hey bros

My first cycle will look like this:

Weeks 1-8: 300mg Deca 300mg Test Enanthate
Week 11: 150mg Clomid
Week 12: 100mg Clomid
Week 13: 50mg Clomid

Nolvadex on hand.

I've been told to up my dosages of both but I've also been told that 300mg of each is fine for a first timer.

A couple of questions:

1) How/When should I take the Nolva?
2) Is the Clomid post-cycle therapy ok?

Your suggestions/advice would be appreciated.


Age: 21
Height : 5'8"
Weight: 165lbs
BF: 15%

5 years serious lifting under my belt.

Thanks, Jock
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Everything looks good but I would extend your cycle to 10 weeks instead of 8. Take an anti aromatizing agent such as l dex or letrozole weeks 1-14 and keep the nolvo on hand for use at the first symptoms of gyno.
Well, welcome to Steroidology first of all.

Second, your cycle looks good. Always good to be a bit on the moderate side with first cycles. This game is about learning what your body responds well to and so on. As far as your Nolva question, if you start to feel your nipples getting a little itchy or sore, then start popping 20-40 mg/day depending on the level of soreness/itchyness. A lot of people will stop the Nolva once the symptoms have ceased. (Also keep in mind that the Nolva wont do anything if your itchyness or soreness is attributed to the Deca use)

About the Clomid, your set up looks good to me but then again I dont use Clomid so someone with more experience in that matter would probaby answer your question more accurately.
I would go with just test at 500mg a week for 10 weeks. I think i will give you better results and test sides are easy to control.
Ok thanks bros

One more question, I really can't afford Armidex it's ridiculously expensive. Can I carry on with the cycle anyway?

Thanks, Jock
You might want to consider extending it to 10 weeks.

Take the Nolva only if you get symptoms of gyno from the test, if you have progesterone based symptoms from the Deca, the Nolva isn't going to do shit for that...........

.........That is one of the reasons lots of guys, myself included, recommend taking only one compound for a first see how your body responds to it. When you stack two or more compounds, you don't know which one is doing what. Mind you at the dosage you are going to run, chances are slim you will run into gyno problems....BUT you never know as everybody reacts differently.

The standard way to take Clomid is;
day 1 - 300 mg
day 2 - 11 - 100 mg
day 12-21 - 50 mg

Nolva dose, 40 mg/day until gyno symptoms subside, then 20 mg/day for rest of cycle.
I would drop the Deca and do 400mgs. Test/week for 10 weeks, keep your nolva on hand and follow the clomid therapy stonecold listed. Good Luck Bro!!!
hope you have fun with that deca dick!!! Add some Test and run everything for 10 weeks. Good luck, only the lucky don't get deca dick:confused:
bigdog20 said:
I would go with just test at 500mg a week for 10 weeks. I think i will give you better results and test sides are easy to control.

I don't think that's a good idea. Im on my first "test" cycle and I've gotten great results from only 200mg/wk of Prop. Personally, I think it would be a good idea to extend to 10 weeks. But if I could reconstruct the cycle, I would change the deca to EQ. But you should still find out what works for YOU.
Hey bros

Thanks for the input. Because I can't get Armidex I'm gonna get some Proviron to counteract some of the deca sides.

Will this help?

Thanks, Jock
i wouldnt waste your money on adex for that dose. like others have said use both for 10 weeks. proviron would be a good adition but it is unneccessary.
why do you say no stone cold? the proviron will boost his free test levels. i think it would be a worthy addition in a low dose test cycle. although like i said it is unneccessary
Can you expand on that at all Stone Cold? I'm getting proviron just in case, the deca gets nasty.

bronco944 said:
why do you say no stone cold? the proviron will boost his free test levels. i think it would be a worthy addition in a low dose test cycle. although like i said it is unneccessary

I say NO, because he asked if Proviron will help if he gets Deca induced gyno symptoms.