My First Cycle


New member
So I have beeen doing a lot reading and decided its time to do a real cycle. Ive done oral cycles in the pastof Dbol while in Iraq but nothing long term and obviously wasnt satisfied with my results.I have been lifting for 8 years and Im 29 and weigh 205lbs at 17%BF standing at 5'10''
I read a few of the stickys that many have said to read first before starting a thread but now im just gonna ask a few questions so that i know im getting the right gear and from a good source.

First im planning a 12-14 week cycle of Test E due to the fact that everyone has said its the first one you should try as a beginner. Second what if anything should i stack with it? Ive read Tren or Deca is a good stack to take with it and a lot of people have had great results with it. Lastly whats a good source to pick up reliable gear without any BS .... Some insight would be helpful and I appreciate your time..

BTW if your gonna state something stupid and try to preach about how your smarter than me and i shouldnt take anyhting then kiss my ass... theres only one way to learn and thats by asking questions and applying the answers
You are correct when u said beginners should only use test for 12-14 weeks. So stick to that. Don't add ANYTHING to it. 500mg a week. (250 mon. 250thursday for example). Start post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after last pin consisting OG clomid and npvadex. Clomid dosed at 50mg ed for 4 weeks. Nova at 40mg ed for 4 weeks. Also have an AI(aromatase inhibitor) on hand like arimadex and run it .25-.5mg eod.
you should get some test prop or sustanon, same results in the long run they just kick in sooner, same sides nothing extra to worry about just look at the steroids profile tab on this website above to see what dosage and shit you might want to know about each compound, test e isnt the only steroid out there and from my experience with test e its a bastard waiting for strength gains, 4.5 weeks in now all im getting is a massive pump but no strength just yet, little sides easy to handle, ya man just have a look at the different profiles

Good look man!
You are correct when u said beginners should only use test for 12-14 weeks. So stick to that. Don't add ANYTHING to it. 500mg a week. (250 mon. 250thursday for example). Start pct 2 weeks after last pin consisting OG clomid and npvadex. Clomid dosed at 50mg ed for 4 weeks. Nova at 40mg ed for 4 weeks. Also have an AI(aromatase inhibitor) on hand like arimadex and run it .25-.5mg eod.

Apreciate the Input. Thats about what I had in mind just needed some Knowledge in the area. What about a reliable Source to pick up gear?
you should get some test prop or sustanon, same results in the long run they just kick in sooner, same sides nothing extra to worry about just look at the steroids profile tab on this website above to see what dosage and shit you might want to know about each compound, test e isnt the only steroid out there and from my experience with test e its a bastard waiting for strength gains, 4.5 weeks in now all im getting is a massive pump but no strength just yet, little sides easy to handle, ya man just have a look at the different profiles

Good look man!

Okay good to know as well. I wasnt sure on whether or not to ignore those compounds. thanks!
Test prop is not good for first timer because of all the pins you'll have to do. And as far as the source you can't ask for sources like that. Its against the rules. Look for my thread. The title is AML t300/deca review.
Ya i suppose go with test e so just kick start or frontload, a bit of advice i wish i had starting out bastard long esters
Test prop is not good for first timer because of all the pins you'll have to do. And as far as the source you can't ask for sources like that. Its against the rules. Look for my thread. The title is AML t300/deca review.

OH sorry bout that. wasnt aware of that rule. Ill keep that in mind in the future
Also even though its a light cycle, you want to definitely make sure you have some aromasin and arimidex. I always get blood work done for my cycle so you can have a baseline of where you're at before you start. I think recovery is the most important thing to remember, but looks like it should be a good first cycle brother!
run your cycle as a simple test e cycle and master the basics itll leave you some room to add things later on get and understanding of how your body reacts to each compound. Plotup your cycle like this buddy and makesure your doet and routine is all in check before you start.
1-12 test e 500mg split mon/thursday
2-12 aromasin 12.5mg eod
7-12 HCG 500 ius x2 a week
14-17 Clomid 50/25/25/25
14-17 Nolva 40/20/20/20
14-19 Daa powerchews or powder 3gs a day
14-19 Forma stanzol
run your cycle as a simple test e cycle and master the basics itll leave you some room to add things later on get and understanding of how your body reacts to each compound. Plotup your cycle like this buddy and makesure your doet and routine is all in check before you start.
1-12 test e 500mg split mon/thursday
2-12 aromasin 12.5mg eod
7-12 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500 ius x2 a week
14-17 Clomid 50/25/25/25
14-17 Nolva 40/20/20/20
14-19 Daa powerchews or powder 3gs a day
14-19 Forma stanzol

Got It! I have a pretty solid routine and great diet. this will just give me the edge i have been looking for. thanks for all the support