If this is your first cycle with testosterone, why are you running all the other AAS compounds? You need to learn how your body responds to just testosterone. Save the other stuff for future cycles.
You are right. Never use an AI unless you need it. That can be said about most things in life. I think the part you are missing though is that OP is extremely likely to need an AI for the cycle he is running. So much so that the risks of not using one far out weight the risks of running it and not actually needing it in my opinion.
how is he extremely likely to need it? isnt this his real FIRST test cycle? if yes then no need to run anything except 1 compound to learn how his body reacts.
AI's are shit, i never use them, like a bazooka killing a fly, inaccurate as shit and hurt the body a lot with fucking up blood lipids. fuck AI's
with proper diet you dont need AI but most people have zero clue about a real way of eating and just look at macros and done
most people dont even know they are deficient as FUCK in most minerals and dont think thats important. most people are 100% wrong
how is he extremely likely to need it? isnt this his real FIRST test cycle? if yes then no need to run anything except 1 compound to learn how his body reacts.
AI's are shit, i never use them, like a bazooka killing a fly, inaccurate as shit and hurt the body a lot with fucking up blood lipids. fuck AI's
with proper diet you dont need AI but most people have zero clue about a real way of eating and just look at macros and done
most people dont even know they are deficient as FUCK in most minerals and dont think thats important. most people are 100% wrong
lol @ calling me amateru and bro science haha. good luck with that m8!
AI = donkey shit, not needed, never will be, useless cow menure and way too many noobies use it because the think they are smart yet they know shit about anything
you are just using TOO much test and dbol, thats the answer. the bod can utilise X amount of a hormone and everything else gets converted to estrogen and estrogen holds water and water in veins = high BP
so lower the test and dbol, use some mast, lower ur carbs, up the fats, do some cardio and you will be absolutely FINE
test in general doesnt need to be run above 400-500mg's, unless you are on quality GH then you can run much more. way too many guys use way too much test and as consequence look like bouncers instead of lean beasts with proportions. test is a basic thing, wont cut you up or do anything special, just use it to feel good and have some thickness. i for example never in my life went over 750mg per week of test and this was back in 2006, for years now 400mg per week of test is my maximum
I am not going to rehash everything Halfwit said so perfectly. I just want to state that you have no business giving advice to people about AAS.
lol at some few dudes here getting insulted by me telling the truth
why use AI if its not needed!
how is he extremely likely to need it? isnt this his real FIRST test cycle? if yes then no need to run anything except 1 compound to learn how his body reacts.
AI's are shit, i never use them, like a bazooka killing a fly, inaccurate as shit and hurt the body a lot with fucking up blood lipids. fuck AI's
with proper diet you dont need AI but most people have zero clue about a real way of eating and just look at macros and done
most people dont even know they are deficient as FUCK in most minerals and dont think thats important. most people are 100% wrong
This being his first cycle is EXACTLY why using an AI is so important - he has no idea how the increased e2 is going to effect him with regards to all the potential negative health sides as well as how he will generally feel with higher e2.
Also - your being extremely naïve if you think a proper diet is going to outdo the increased e2 that comes from super physiological levels of anabolics. It isn't going to happen.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm very much in the minority when I say that IMO AIs are not always necessary and can actually be detrimental to muscle gains (low e2 is much WORSE than high e2).
For most guys with experience, I see no need to use an AI "just in case" if you've already established that its not an issue for you. But on a first cycle you have no idea what sides your susceptible to, including those resulting from high e2.
So play it safe with an AI and get mid cycle bloodwork to make adjustments as needed.