My first shot of Test Cyp.


New member
Hey Guys,

I'm new at this just wanted some info.

I'am 5'11 233 pounds. I just got a shot of 200mg from my doc. He wants me to come and see him every other week.

Taken this shot every other week and working out. Would I be able to see any gains? or do I need to take something else along with it. or ask him to up the dose?

Help me out. what's best.
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hey bud -
Whats your age? IMO that would prolly get you to "normal" for test levels so it will def help w/ gains. It isn't a huge dose so I wouldn't expect any spectacular boost. If you can, get a prescription to do it your self and get the test level up to 500 or 600 a week. if not - you can supplement the injections with mailorder Test C and a lower dose of something like Deca (400 a week) At those levels I would consider it a "cycle" so you should see significant gains, but i wouldn't do it for more than 12 -15 weeks. then go back to the 200 eow.