My first Sustanon Cycle, please be critical!


New member
Hi Guys,
I'm planning to start my first cycle next week. I'm 28, 182cm, 176lbs been training for almost 5 years.
Going to run Sustanon, 500mg/week for 10 weeks. I have 10ml vials, 350mg/ml so I was planning to shoot 1ml = 350mg every 5 days for 10 weeks, which equates to just under 5000mg over 10 weeks, does this seem ok?

I will train 5 days per week,
Monday - Chest
Tuesday - legs
Wednesday - Back, biceps, forearms
Thursday - Shoulders, triceps, abs.
Friday - Legs or chest alternate every week.
Sat - Rest
Sun - Light run or cycle
My diet will be clean, I'll pick up the calories considerably, 3-6 grilled chicken breasts per day, lean steak, egg whites for breakfast, nuts, brown rice and whole wheat bread for carbs, also take twinlab super gainer claims to have 1350calories per serving mixed with Chia seeds, fruit and green vegetables. Going to eat as much as I can while on cycle but wondered if I should reduce calorie intake in later stage as I'd like to cut while on cycle?

In relation to PCT I have Clomid and Nolvadex so from what I have read I'm going to begin PCT 19days after my final shot of sustanon as follows
Clomid 150Mg day 1, 100mg for 7 days and 50mg for 14days, thinking to take 20mg of nolvadex every day for this 22day PCT, any better suggestion?

What else do I need? I have read that I should have something on hand in case of problems with Gyno during the actual cycle? Should this be a preventative measure that I should do regardless, please tell me what I'm missing?

Appreciate any advice guys, feeling very excited about getting started on this :)
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You need an AI such as arimedex.
Pin sustanon every 3 days minimum. With the short esters you will fluctuate unless you do. Some say pin it EOD...
Consider stretching out to 12 weeks.
You need to study some of the stickies here.
Tbonexi will post a link for you.
Thanks a lot Smittiot, I am confused about Armidex, should it be taken during the cycle as a preventative measure or should I have it at hand incase Gyno symptoms arise? If during cycle what dosage would you recommend? I know it's not necessary for PCT.

In relation to pinning I go in and out of phases where I need to travel quite a lot for work, mostly short trips but logistically it would suit me better to have no more than 2 shots per week when I'd be home. Since the gear I have is 350mg/ml, I don't know how to break it down into two shots a week. I can hardly take two shots per week of 5/7 (250mg) of 1ml = 500mg?? That's why I thought 14 shots of 350mg every 5 days for 10 weeks was a good idea!

If I'm enjoying the cycle and everything's going well I have gear at hand to extend to 12 weeks.
I concur with Smittiot

If you are looking to pin once every 5 days you should look into Test Cyp rather than sustanon. You will have more stable blood levels with cyp resulting in fewer sides. Although sust can be ran at 2 x per week but in order to maximize the effects of sust it should be ran every 2 days and at most every 3 days.

Arimidex should be ran during cycle starting at 0.25 to 0.5mgs every 2 days or e3d and adjusted from there to your needs

Extend the cycle to 12-14 weeks.
Ok thanks a mill Guys, good advice. I will pin half 1ml every 3 days (175mg) plus I'm gonna run it for 12 weeks.

I'm going to get Arimidex and take 0.25mg e3d starting the day after my first shot, how will I know if I need to tweek this? Should I take Arimidex up until my last shot of sustanon or continue until the beginning of PCT?

Would you recommend HCG during this cycle? If so when and how much should I take?
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Is there anyway to delete posts here? Excuse the two blank posts the initial content was just a repeat of my last post, went to the moderator for some reason.

Anyway I have to put my cycle on hold now for about 10 days while I wait for my Arimidex to arrive. I would love if someone told me I could begin without it? :)

I'm going to leave out the HCG as no one seems to recommend it for my cycle. I'll take .25 of Arimidex every 3 days and if I notice any sides or don't feel good I'll try every other day or increase the dosage slightly.

I'm so excited about getting started on this, will happen ASAP!
What's another 10 days bro, what if the arimidex didn't show up or something like that. Better off too wait the 10 days the. Get going once everything is here. Best of luck
I use .25 EOD of adex during cycle and stop 4 days prior to PCT. Yes, HCG e3d @ 250iu's up to 3-4 days prior to PCT. I go w/Nolva 40/40/20/20 and clomid 100/50/25/25. There's really no need for the 150 on the first day. Have fun.
Hi Guys, was delayed a little due to meds arriving late but started my cycle and took my first pin last Friday in my right Glute. I hobbled around for the last 3 days and was 100% today just in time for my second pin in the left Glute, expecting a few days of discomfort now in my left leg. I've read the first injections are the worst and hope that's true :) Can anyone tell me if two injection sites are enough for pinning e3d for 12 weeks? I'm thinking about injecting thighs also but there's conflicting information about precise injection location. I'm really excited about this cycle and had adrenalin pumping today during my work-out because of that, I will update when this starts to kick in.
I would suggest finding more injection spots, there are plenty. Thighs are my fav, flex your muscle, you can see where to poke your self. When you use the same injection site over and over it becomes irritated, red, always sore, can create a cyst. Lots of reasons not too, I am pretty sure there is a guide for injections on this site
So I just took my 12th pin today, wanted to update. I am almost 5 weeks into my cycle I started at 81.1kgs (179lbs) and 11.8% bf. I am now at 84kgs (185lbs), don't know my current bf% but I'm feeling and looking more solid.

All is going pretty well, no side-effects (touch wood) although I did have an unseasonable cold and cough for a week early on, maybe sust flu but I worked through it. Also my diet was set back after I ate a bad steak and spent a long night throwing up inhuman amounts of water, took about 4 days to regain any sort of desire for food and rehydrate myself but for the most part I kept training.

This week I'm feeling very good, I'm finally noticing a difference in the gym, it's like although my muscles feel like their burning after a few sets I can still push out some extra reps. Also generally feeling very energetic, my sex drive sky-rocketed after the first shot and had been insane ever since. My squat has increased by about 60lbs during my cycle and my legs have gotten stronger. However I have not noticed any strength gains in relation to my dead-lift or bench press but I'm hoping now that my power is increasing I'll soon pass my personal bests.

I am still on arimidex .5 E3D and pinning .5mg of sust 350mg E3D. I have a very positive feeling about the coming weeks, wish me luck guys! By the way I do have before pics which I will share later. Thanks everyone who's posted advice so far, it's helped me a lot. I am using 4 injection sites and feel like a pro after 12 injections!
i suggest shooting 2xweek g.g monday , thursday . 350mg/week will do wonders for a first timer , after month 2 try bump it to out for gyno , sustanon is nasty with this. nolvadex and AI will be good friends of yours
So this Friday will be the end of week 8.

I am now weighing in at 191lbs about 86.7kgs, have seen some fast gains since my last posting. So that means coming to the end of week 8, I'm up 12lbs. I did not take advice from Gamosaurus about increasing the dose, I'm happy enough so far and don't want to add risk of sides. I did get a bit of acne on my shoulders but was no big deal and it's gone now.

I notice the size difference now in the mirror, have gotten some compliments and I feel strong. For some reason my legs in particular seem to have gained considerable power, I went from squatting 1 rep of 130kgs to 5 reps of 170kgs PB today. Also my bench power has increased from old PB of 1 rep 100kgs (220lbs) to 5 reps of 100kgs. I haven't broken my DL personal best yet but I'm confident I will. I feel my appetite has increased and I am training harder then I ever have before.

Anyway 4 weeks to go, aiming for another 5/6lbs, planning to try and cut a bit then in the 20days before I start PCT, just going to increase my cardio at that point while basically eating and training the same.

Sustanon is a killer as it will be 6 weeks after my last pin before I'm done with PCT, looking forward to having a drink again, was at a party a few nights ago alcohol free, just not as fun :) I will update again soon, any suggestions are appreciated!
Hey Guys, a fee questions hope someone can help me answer.

I am now in week 10 of my cycle, my weight has increased by 8kg (17.6lbs) people are starting to ask me what I have been doing and saying I look jacked.

Question 1 - I'm not at 196lbs about 89kgs, I figure my bf% is still around 11.5%, with two weeks left in my cycle and 20days before I can start PCT, would now be a good time to cut? My goal at the beginning was about to stand at 186lbs under 10% body fat. Should I try and keep adding mass and cut later or cut now? Losing weight is the easy part all this eating is very time consuming.

Question 2 - have got a lot of acne on my back and a little on my shoulders. Any suggestion to get rid of this? Will it fade by itself after my cycle or should I treat with antibiotics or something? If you recommend treating should I do it now or wait until I am off the gear or finished PCT?

Would really appreciate some advice.
If I was you i would gain all I can now while running my cycle and focus on diet, cut calories after your cycle. I don't believe in bulk and cut in same cycle specially a 12 weeker.
As for acne you can get some bloods done. I always get some acne at the end of my cycle it's annoying but some guys just get it. I swear by proactive but it doesn't seem
To help. Clean eating, clean gym clothes, clean bedding all these things help, but seems after a certain point you got to wait it out. Make sure salt and sugar intake isn't too high. Some tanning can also help. Good luck
Jacked Canada, thanks for your advice. Pushed it until the end and will continue to train hard during PCT. Acne improved although my weight didn't really get any heavier in the last few weeks, finally broke my Deadlift PB and did 1 rep at 160kgs :)

Tonight I took my first dose of PCT,
Technically I was only running about 400mg of Sustanon per week for 12 weeks.

Here's my plan for PCT based on the meds I have, it's 20 days since my last injection.

Day 1, Clomid 100 / Nolvadex 40
Day 2 - Day 8, 100/20
Day 9 - Day 15, 50/20
Day 16 - Day 22, 25/10

I'd prefer 3 weeks as on the fourth week I'll be going on holidays, dying to have a drink as I haven't touched a drop in more than 3 months with 3 weeks to go.

Let me know if anyone has any comments, Id really appreciate any advice. Thx.
Hey Guys, a fee questions hope someone can help me answer.

I am now in week 10 of my cycle, my weight has increased by 8kg (17.6lbs) people are starting to ask me what I have been doing and saying I look jacked.

Question 1 - I'm not at 196lbs about 89kgs, I figure my bf% is still around 11.5%, with two weeks left in my cycle and 20days before I can start PCT, would now be a good time to cut? My goal at the beginning was about to stand at 186lbs under 10% body fat. Should I try and keep adding mass and cut later or cut now? Losing weight is the easy part all this eating is very time consuming.

Question 2 - have got a lot of acne on my back and a little on my shoulders. Any suggestion to get rid of this? Will it fade by itself after my cycle or should I treat with antibiotics or something? If you recommend treating should I do it now or wait until I am off the gear or finished PCT?

Would really appreciate some advice.

remember that of the weight you gained only half is muscle, the rest is water/fat... expect to keep roughly 1/3 of what you gained, so by about the time you're done PCT you might be up 5lbs from when you began the cycle (if you eat right)
Whats your diet like throughout your cycle, what are you eating and drinking and at what times?