my first test e cycle ONLY


New member
What do you guys think?

Age: 22
Weight: 175
Height: 5ft9
BF: 15% or so
Training experience: 2 years on and off
Diet: 3500 calories

Week 1-12 @ 500 mg test E (twice a week; wed and sat) (epharma branded)

Week 1-2 @ 40mg daily
Week 3-4 @ 20mg daily

I do have arimdex on hand now and wondering if I should take 0.25mg of it eod or only when I feel itchy nipples etc....I've ready many posts that favor both ways so can't come to a conclusion!
Here's a perfect first cycle:

22 is a bit young to start aas, it can have some big negative effects. For example it will put a stop to your height growth, can permanantly give you a lower test level, and can make you go on TRT for the rest of your life.. The smartest choice is to wait a year or 2, why be in such a hurry and possibly screw up your body? We only get 1.

That being said, read up that sticky, it will help you put together a safer cycle.