my first Testosterone Enanthate cycle


New member
Hi guys. I have been researching steroids for about a year now, and have posted threads on this forum about things I didn’t understand. Well now I think I have the basic knowledge to consider doing a ‘first cycle’.


21 Years Old

185 pounds


Been training for 5-6 years on/off, (trained fulltime for 2 years, and then was not training for 9 months. Now after the 9 month break have been training full time for a year (now).

Bench: 235 lbs (1 rep)
Dead: 242 lbs (6-8 reps)
Squat: 220 lbs (6-8 reps)

Diet: I eat a healthy clean diet, 5-7 meals a day (that’s including shakes as a meal). On a off day i will eat 2/3 meals, but this won’t happen while I’m on cycle.

For my cycle I will take protein at 1.5/2 grams per pound of body weight. 2.5 grams of carbohydrates per pound of body weight, and 0.25 grams of fat per pound of body weight.

week 1 250mg test e
week 2 250mg test e
week 3 250mg test e
week 4 250mg test e
week 5 250mg test e
week 6 250mg test e
week 7 250mg test e
week 8 250mg test e
week 9 250mg test e
week 10 250mg test e

Nolvadex: 20mg ED

Clomid Therapy: will start 2 weeks after my last shot
and will go like this

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Week 1 300 mg 100 mg 100 mg 100 mg 100 mg 100 mg 100 mg
Week 2 100 mg 100 mg 100 mg 100 mg 50 mg 50 mg 50 mg
Week 3 50 mg 50 mg 50mg 50 mg 50 mg 50 mg 50 mg

I know so people will say that 250 is not good enough to see results, but I’m playing it carefully to see how my body reacts to steroids, as it is my first cycle i might react good or bad.

The reason I’m running 250mg a week is, if my body is copes ok with 250 mg a week and I start to see changes after 4 weeks or so I will carry on with 250mg a week. If not but my body is coping with the steroid fine, i will up the dosage to 500mg a week. (One shot of 250mg on MONDAY, second shot 250mg on THURSDAY).

As I have been researching some people might grow on 250mgs a week, some it won’t make a difference, this is my way of seeing if 250mg will make me grow. Why use more then I have to, it is my first cycle anyways and anything above my natty test level should make me grow.

However if i still decide that my body’s coping with the steroid fine and 250mg a week is making changes, i might still up the dosage to 500mg to make the most of the cycle, as it is recommended by some.

I will be taking Nolvadex at 20mg ED from the day i start the cycle. I am aware that some people will only start to take Nolvadex if gyno issues occur, and begin to take it when they start post cycle therapy (pct) due to the fact that your oestrogen levels are higher than testosterone levels because the injected testosterone is wearing off. This method in theory sound plausible, but as its my first cycle i don’t want to take the chance, and Nolvadex is cheap. I will carry this on till the end of my PCT.

Gyno: If gyno symptoms occur while on 20mg of Nolvadex ED, i will up the dosage to 30mg ED. If it persists I will up it to 40mg ED. Hopefully this will not happen and 20mg is sufficient for the whole of the cycle and PCT.

Injecting: I will draw the oil up with a bigger pin, and will inject it with a smaller one. That if I have the choice.

First I will push the plunger down till the air out the syringe is out, and oil drips out of the needle. Then I will clean the area with a cotton swab and alcohol and inject with one swift motion. Then I will remove the needle and clean area with cotton swab and alcohol.

Injection sites. will rotate from right quad to left quad, to right glute to left glute. (Considering deltoids, most likely to not use them). This will give the receptors time to recover and absorb through a fresh receptor.

Aborting the cycle: if I have to abort the cycle for a reason (hopefully not) after injection number ‘X’, I will wait 2 weeks for the Testosterone level to drop, Then carry on to post cycle therapy (pct) procedure as normal. During this time I will take Nolvadex at my current dosage till the end of post cycle therapy (pct) every day.

Please leave feedback, especially the veterans. It will be very much appreciated.

Thank you for reading and posting.

You probably wont need nolva at 20mg during the cycle with a low dose of 250/w, but why not do it if you feel safer..

I think you will def. grow a lot even with 250mg/w regardless of what people say, its still 3x more than your natural production..

Sounds like a very good first cycle, keep posting regular updates ! :)
what brand of test do you have. you can grow off 250 of human grade. but some ugl you need like at lease 350 to grow do to the underdose/fill factor which plays a role in alot of UGL
Unless your getting a new lab and the fist batch where they sometimes over-dose it :)

what brand of test do you have. you can grow off 250 of human grade. but some ugl you need like at lease 350 to grow do to the underdose/fill factor which plays a role in alot of UGL
350 ultra test is the way i go...monday, wed, fri......250 not bad at all
my first test cyp cycle

Hi everyone... I cant seem to figure out how to start a new thread so bare with me for jumping in here but I have kinda the same thiing going on here. I started an test cyp cycle a month ago... my first cycle... I am taking 500-600mg per week. I also take two .5 mg arimidex a week. When I started my cycle I just got off a 1.5 month diet and did only cardio for that time. When I started lifting and doing my cycle I had to start at 3 sets per body group (4-9 reps each The next week I did like 6 sets, then 8 sets and this week I have done all 10 sets per week per body part. The last 3 weeks I have been at the gym I have had pretty big strength gains. I am eating about 220 grams of protein (I am 183lbs) plus alot of carbs and some fat. I am kinda freeking out here as it looks like i am getting bigger but the scale has only moved 3 pounds in the past month and a half! I think I am gaining slight muscle and still burning fat wich is strange because I have been eating like a pig. I have put on about an 8th of an inch on my arms since i started and that is the only body part I measure. I have veins popping out all over the place the last two weeks like never before and my abs are really starting to get bumpy... my butt has gotten slightly bigger from squats... other then that... I am only maybe at best 5 pounds heavier of mass and two pounds less fat I asume... The drug is burning fat like crazy! I normaly would have put on 8 pounds of fat this past month eating the way I did. I am getting stronger every return to the gym... but for the life of me why am I not hardly getting hardly any bigger? Lately I have started doing each muscle group every 5-6 days instead of every week... I feel ready on the fourth day! Am I under training or over training? Does it take more then a month for a test cycle to really start showing mass? I believe that mass follows strength gains but hell I have had strength gains for 3 weeks now and the scale is not moving! I feel my E is in range as I have plenty of labido and wood. I am very worried something is wrong as i wread an article today that said most people's gains will slow down the last month of a cycle... Should i heat each body part at the gym twice a week at 10 sets of rep till failure (4-8 reps per set) ?? I started lifting 9 months ago and have made really good gains without using test (other the battling fat build up) I am on hormone replacement therapy so post cycle therapy (pct) is not much issue. At the end of my 3 month cycle I plan to slowly ramp down to 200mg per week. I have no source for getting any gear outside of test cyp or arimidex. Thanks for your desperately needed help....
Question!? I have read about Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) allot and if you were to do this cycle exactly would you need to incorporate it at all in the cycle or would you be good PCT
Radow, certianly sounds like you have done a fair amount of research and are extremely cautious of any side effects. Looking at the age of the post, how did you go?
Don't forget that there are people out there at the same stage as what you once were ;)
hey i going to do this cycle in about 4 - 5 months time what do you guys think???
week 1 - week 10: testosterone enanthate 500mg weekly(monday 250mg and thursday 250mg)
week 11 - 12(2 weeks of rest before PCT): testosterone boosters
week 13-17(PCT)
20mg of Nolvadex daily

im not sure on the PCT.
hey i going to do this cycle in about 4 - 5 months time what do you guys think???
week 1 - week 10: testosterone enanthate 500mg weekly(monday 250mg and thursday 250mg)
week 11 - 12(2 weeks of rest before PCT): testosterone boosters
week 13-17(PCT)
20mg of Nolvadex daily

im not sure on the PCT.

Standard beginner cycle.

Wait two weeks after your last pin to start post cycle therapy (pct). So weeks 13 and 14 are rest weeks. Might want to get some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and run 500iu ED for 10 days after last inj. until 4 days before PCT starts. Other ways to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) too, do some reading. Would suggest getting an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to keep on hand incase you need it. You could add clomid at 50mg into PCT but IMO 40/40/20/20 nolv be ok as well. Your choice, PCT is personal preference. Good luck
1st cycle

im preparing a test e only cycle and i need help on choosing a good brand and lab to buy from can anyone help me
Not seeing mass gains

Hi everyone... I cant seem to figure out how to start a new thread so bare with me for jumping in here but I have kinda the same thiing going on here. I started an test cyp cycle a month ago... my first cycle... I am taking 500-600mg per week. I also take two .5 mg arimidex a week. When I started my cycle I just got off a 1.5 month diet and did only cardio for that time. When I started lifting and doing my cycle I had to start at 3 sets per body group (4-9 reps each The next week I did like 6 sets, then 8 sets and this week I have done all 10 sets per week per body part. The last 3 weeks I have been at the gym I have had pretty big strength gains. I am eating about 220 grams of protein (I am 183lbs) plus alot of carbs and some fat. I am kinda freeking out here as it looks like i am getting bigger but the scale has only moved 3 pounds in the past month and a half! I think I am gaining slight muscle and still burning fat wich is strange because I have been eating like a pig. I have put on about an 8th of an inch on my arms since i started and that is the only body part I measure. I have veins popping out all over the place the last two weeks like never before and my abs are really starting to get bumpy... my butt has gotten slightly bigger from squats... other then that... I am only maybe at best 5 pounds heavier of mass and two pounds less fat I asume... The drug is burning fat like crazy! I normaly would have put on 8 pounds of fat this past month eating the way I did. I am getting stronger every return to the gym... but for the life of me why am I not hardly getting hardly any bigger? Lately I have started doing each muscle group every 5-6 days instead of every week... I feel ready on the fourth day! Am I under training or over training? Does it take more then a month for a test cycle to really start showing mass? I believe that mass follows strength gains but hell I have had strength gains for 3 weeks now and the scale is not moving! I feel my E is in range as I have plenty of labido and wood. I am very worried something is wrong as i wread an article today that said most people's gains will slow down the last month of a cycle... Should i heat each body part at the gym twice a week at 10 sets of rep till failure (4-8 reps per set) ?? I started lifting 9 months ago and have made really good gains without using test (other the battling fat build up) I am on hormone replacement therapy so pct is not much issue. At the end of my 3 month cycle I plan to slowly ramp down to 200mg per week. I have no source for getting any gear outside of test cyp or arimidex. Thanks for your desperately needed help....

It is hard to comment without knowing more about your specs, but if you can do 10 sets of rep till failure, perhaps you can try increasing the wt and doing even fewer reps. You should be so tired by the 5th set that you can't do anymore in my opinion.

Also, timing of pre-and post-workout protein made a huge difference for me. I made a protein shake with banana and virgin coconut oil and will drink 1/3 before workout and the remaining 2/3 immediately after workout. There is a relatively narrow window to increase uptake of serum amino acids into the muscle post workout.

I also tried humulog insulin shots together with the post-workout shake (read about this before trying, screwing it up can be FATAL!). This really gave me a boost in my muscle mass.
Hi everyone

I am starting my first cycle in about 1-2 months.
I have decided to do a cycle on test 250mg (alpha pharma)
Since i haven't done a cycle before, i really dont know how many weeks i should take test. but i have decided only to do 250mg a week. (a safe first cycle, to see how my body responds to the drug)

Is there anyone that could give me som hints?

Also, when i am done on my test cycle, what should i take? and how long?


IMO I would run Test E at 500 a week, 250 Monday 250 Thursday. 10-12 weeks is norm for that cycle with PCT starting 2 weeks after last pin. Pct run Nolva 40/30/20/20. Sounds like you should spend a lot more time researching what you're taking as well.
500mg a week huh.. hmm.. If i only take test on my first cycle... would that be okey?, do i need to mix testo with something?

and wtf is PCT...???
Hi everyone

I am starting my first cycle in about 1-2 months.
I have decided to do a cycle on test 250mg (alpha pharma)
Since i haven't done a cycle before, i really dont know how many weeks i should take test. but i have decided only to do 250mg a week. (a safe first cycle, to see how my body responds to the drug)

Is there anyone that could give me som hints?

Also, when i am done on my test cycle, what should i take? and how long?


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