My friend went to ER last night abscess in delt!


New member
I can't emphasize sterility bro's used a needle a few times draw up with same one a dozen times heres what he got.
He kept bandage on because the muscle would pop out like hamburger.
That is one thing that I always make sure. I would think the delt would be one of the worst places to get an abcess.
bigdelt69 said:
That is one thing that I always make sure. I would think the delt would be one of the worst places to get an abcess.

Can you say Pec? :( horrifying thought, and I reason if it wasn't human grade (and no that underground crap doesn't count like some people seem to think it does), I wouldn't even consider a pec inject. Still don't think I'd do one though.

Sorry to see what happened, but what the heck was he thinking???
That's what he told him but did he believe him:D Damn new pins aren't that expensive, to have something like that happen.

Always better to be safe than sorry. That sux, just wait till the doc starts taking out all the packing gauze and it is filled with green sh!t