my friends first cycle??????


New member
my buddie is thinkin of doin this for his first cycle,good or bad????

1-4 35mgs dbol ed
1-10 400mgs enanthate / week
1-10 400mgs deca / week

his main objective is to bulk as much as possible,is this gonna do it with a good diet and training regimin. hes 20 yrs old, 6'3, 200lbs at sround 8 % bf
I say..........

250mg Sustanon (sust) week 1-5, 500mg/wk 5-10

dbol 20-25mg/day for 4 weeks.
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KellyExpress said:
my buddie is thinkin of doin this for his first cycle,good or bad????

1-4 35mgs dbol ed
1-10 400mgs enanthate / week
1-10 400mgs deca / week

his main objective is to bulk as much as possible,is this gonna do it with a good diet and training regimin. hes 20 yrs old, 6'3, 200lbs at sround 8 % bf

looks like a classic bulking cycle, he should have no probs in gaining some size from that. he could eliminate either the test or the deca and still gain bulk, from his first cycle.
He would get great gains with just 400mg Test alone. The deca is a good addition, but probably not needed at this point in the game.

it looks good for a first, you could even lower the test dosage to 250 i think, or eliminate the deca all together and just go with test and dbol like g muscle said
looks like alot for a first cycle, but i like it forsure. IM not like most people, i think you hsould do your first cycle right and get big. maybe add soem armidex.