My Frist Cycle - using Test-Prop and Tren 2 weeks in and feel nothing? Normal?


New member
Hey guys,

I am 27 years old, 110kg and 5"11.

I have just started my first cycle and i decided to step shit up and do a cut of Test Prop and Tren.

I am using 1ml of Test EOD and introducing the Tren at 1ml EOD about week 3 and running the Tren for approx 6-7 weeks.

I have just hit the 2 week mark which means I have used about 7ml of Test Prop.

my gains are non visible; i do not feel any elevation in sex drive nor do i feel any additional strength. Is this normal? or have I got DUD prop? I know one thing for sure I am feeling the corking... BAAAD!!! but thats the only really thing i have noticed.

any information would be great and your thoughts.


oh man I can tell you now that everyone on this board will recommend you NOT to use tren on your first cycle, well not even for your first three.

tren is such a strong AAS you'd only bring it in as a big gun to add to your arsenal after several efficient cycles to spice things up and get some more growth.

You should have good enough gains from introducing more exogenous test along, without needing any other compounds.
Let alone, if you incur any problems on this cycle, what will you blame? The test or the tren? You won't know what's wrong and that's why we're meant to add one compound at a time to gauge these effects!
at the moment i'm only 2 weeks in and i have only been using the PROP... Apart from the insane PIP i haven't felt any thing. No strength increases, no sex drive increase, no nothing. is this normal for something that's meant to be a fast acting?

im not going to even start the tren unless i know this prop works :/
at the moment i'm only 2 weeks in and i have only been using the PROP... Apart from the insane PIP i haven't felt any thing. No strength increases, no sex drive increase, no nothing. is this normal for something that's meant to be a fast acting?

im not going to even start the tren unless i know this prop works :/

don't expect strength gains, if any, if you are truly on a "cut"... the point of the compounds during the "cut" is to help preserve lean muscle while you're on a calorie deficient diet