Sustainable Gains
Hello to everyone,
I have been reading for many years and appreciate all the valuable information that I have attained through this forum and many others. I have decided it is time to give back on a topic that it seems many are very interested in - hgh.
I am 29, 6 1', 236, 17% bf. I have been training since I was 14, played college football, and never gave it up for more than 10 days in 15 years.
I have done various cycles - Test E solo, Test E/Parabolin/EQ, T3 w T Prop, DNP, EQ solo, Test E and Deca, and others.
I have a minor in endocrinology, a bachelor's in biology/chemisty, and a PhD in medicine. I am not the square glasses type, more the guy that no one would believe has earned this education and career.
I tore my rot cuff about 3 months ago and finally got fed up. I have been clean for over a year now, and considered doing a EQ or Deca cycle in the low 2-300's for the collagen synthesizing properties...but decided to jump on the hgh train instead.
I will be updating weekly unless something arises, but I believe it will help both myself and you all track my progress and perhaps we will all get an education in the realities of this substance.
I am no new kid on the block to training, I have trained two professionals in FL and a world-record powerlifter in WI. I have competed in fitness comp's, but never anything that required getting passed the point of comfort in terms of size. 260, 14% bf then down to 227, 8% is about as far as I have gone a few years ago.
Please refrain harsh flaming or anything overly brutal, be constructive and we can all learn together.
I plan on taking my dose in the AM on an empty stomach, and working 45 mins of cardio or so 3-4x's a week before my morning breakfast. I keep things clean in general, but I do drink from time to time and that isn't going to change for more than a month at a time. I am 420 friendly, but only here and there. I am smoke free, unless you count the annual cigar.
On to the topic of discussion, I just wanted to answer questions beforehand if possible.
My help is from Z, as I have heard he treats his ppl with respect and I have to agree with reports so far.
As stated, I will update weekly.
For the first month I am going to be doing 2 iu's daily. I can adjust from there, as this will be a long term cycle - likely somewhere in the 9 month range, with the potential to clear a year.
Liftoff was 2/17, and I report minor tingling in my hands lasting around 1 to 4 hours mid-day.
Until next week
I have been reading for many years and appreciate all the valuable information that I have attained through this forum and many others. I have decided it is time to give back on a topic that it seems many are very interested in - hgh.
I am 29, 6 1', 236, 17% bf. I have been training since I was 14, played college football, and never gave it up for more than 10 days in 15 years.
I have done various cycles - Test E solo, Test E/Parabolin/EQ, T3 w T Prop, DNP, EQ solo, Test E and Deca, and others.
I have a minor in endocrinology, a bachelor's in biology/chemisty, and a PhD in medicine. I am not the square glasses type, more the guy that no one would believe has earned this education and career.
I tore my rot cuff about 3 months ago and finally got fed up. I have been clean for over a year now, and considered doing a EQ or Deca cycle in the low 2-300's for the collagen synthesizing properties...but decided to jump on the hgh train instead.
I will be updating weekly unless something arises, but I believe it will help both myself and you all track my progress and perhaps we will all get an education in the realities of this substance.
I am no new kid on the block to training, I have trained two professionals in FL and a world-record powerlifter in WI. I have competed in fitness comp's, but never anything that required getting passed the point of comfort in terms of size. 260, 14% bf then down to 227, 8% is about as far as I have gone a few years ago.
Please refrain harsh flaming or anything overly brutal, be constructive and we can all learn together.
I plan on taking my dose in the AM on an empty stomach, and working 45 mins of cardio or so 3-4x's a week before my morning breakfast. I keep things clean in general, but I do drink from time to time and that isn't going to change for more than a month at a time. I am 420 friendly, but only here and there. I am smoke free, unless you count the annual cigar.
On to the topic of discussion, I just wanted to answer questions beforehand if possible.
My help is from Z, as I have heard he treats his ppl with respect and I have to agree with reports so far.
As stated, I will update weekly.
For the first month I am going to be doing 2 iu's daily. I can adjust from there, as this will be a long term cycle - likely somewhere in the 9 month range, with the potential to clear a year.
Liftoff was 2/17, and I report minor tingling in my hands lasting around 1 to 4 hours mid-day.
Until next week