My HGH Log


Sustainable Gains
Hello to everyone,

I have been reading for many years and appreciate all the valuable information that I have attained through this forum and many others. I have decided it is time to give back on a topic that it seems many are very interested in - hgh.

I am 29, 6 1', 236, 17% bf. I have been training since I was 14, played college football, and never gave it up for more than 10 days in 15 years.

I have done various cycles - Test E solo, Test E/Parabolin/EQ, T3 w T Prop, DNP, EQ solo, Test E and Deca, and others.

I have a minor in endocrinology, a bachelor's in biology/chemisty, and a PhD in medicine. I am not the square glasses type, more the guy that no one would believe has earned this education and career.

I tore my rot cuff about 3 months ago and finally got fed up. I have been clean for over a year now, and considered doing a EQ or Deca cycle in the low 2-300's for the collagen synthesizing properties...but decided to jump on the hgh train instead.

I will be updating weekly unless something arises, but I believe it will help both myself and you all track my progress and perhaps we will all get an education in the realities of this substance.

I am no new kid on the block to training, I have trained two professionals in FL and a world-record powerlifter in WI. I have competed in fitness comp's, but never anything that required getting passed the point of comfort in terms of size. 260, 14% bf then down to 227, 8% is about as far as I have gone a few years ago.

Please refrain harsh flaming or anything overly brutal, be constructive and we can all learn together.

I plan on taking my dose in the AM on an empty stomach, and working 45 mins of cardio or so 3-4x's a week before my morning breakfast. I keep things clean in general, but I do drink from time to time and that isn't going to change for more than a month at a time. I am 420 friendly, but only here and there. I am smoke free, unless you count the annual cigar.

On to the topic of discussion, I just wanted to answer questions beforehand if possible.

My help is from Z, as I have heard he treats his ppl with respect and I have to agree with reports so far.

As stated, I will update weekly.

For the first month I am going to be doing 2 iu's daily. I can adjust from there, as this will be a long term cycle - likely somewhere in the 9 month range, with the potential to clear a year.

Liftoff was 2/17, and I report minor tingling in my hands lasting around 1 to 4 hours mid-day.

Until next week
A Big Ten school, sorry, that is as far as that goes.

So far so good. I have enjoyed the daily reminder that to keep the diet clean by just having to dose in the AM. New for me, but a very cool very early feelings.

I do not have 'soreness' per se in my knees, but I have noticed some minor water retention in them and possibly a slightly unstable feeling at times. Nothing earth-shattering, but noticeable. Note: I have had knee surgery on my right knee twice, but I noticed no contralateral difference at this time.

More to follow.
Feel great in the gym, soreness is all gone in my joints. So far so good. I am not looking for real gains before the 2 month mark, but I will be updating weekly regardless.
What is a "PhD in Medicine". Are you saying doctor of pharmacology? In the US there are no "PhD's in medicine". Medical doctors come in 2 forms, doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO) and doctor of allopathic medicine (MD).

Help me understand where you are coming from educationally.
What is a "PhD in Medicine". Are you saying doctor of pharmacology? In the US there are no "PhD's in medicine". Medical doctors come in 2 forms, doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO) and doctor of allopathic medicine (MD).

Help me understand where you are coming from educationally.

He might just be saying he majored in that area. That's what my doc has done. Very good one I might add.
^^yea, not to sure. I'm not trying to bust his balls or anything just wondering what the background is. i'm just not familiar with the phd in medicine and it sounded strange.

Just looking for more information
I prefer to keep that vague, as it is simply to lay some groundwork and an easy way to say that I have studied medicine and completed my schooling, earning a doctorate. Of course there are many PhD's in medicine: Pathologists, pharmacologists, dentists, ect, ect. The term medical doctor floats around quite freely in the lexicon of the government.

No matter, I have worked on both sides of medicine, and I am a solid resource for people looking for sustainable gains (however, this is my first run with this).

Please please keep us posted. I am seriously thinking of doing something similar down the road and I know I would at least appreciate all your info. Good luck to you and I look forward to your posts.
only slight tingling in your hands? dude im 6 weeks in and my hands are killing me in the afternoon, and early in the mornings the bottom of my feel feel sore...but good luck man, and keep us posted. i am so far loving this hgh!
I prefer to keep that vague, as it is simply to lay some groundwork and an easy way to say that I have studied medicine and completed my schooling, earning a doctorate. Of course there are many PhD's in medicine: Pathologists, pharmacologists, dentists, ect, ect. The term medical doctor floats around quite freely in the lexicon of the government.

No matter, I have worked on both sides of medicine, and I am a solid resource for people looking for sustainable gains (however, this is my first run with this).


Actually there are not any PhD's in medicine. A pathologist is an MD or DO (4 years post undergraduate) followed by a residency in pathology. There are no PhD's in dentistry. That is a DDS degree.

There is a PhD in pharmacology.

The only reason I am making an issue of this is because you say you are a solid resource for people looking for sustainable gains. Advertising yourself as some sort of expert with higher education.

Also, I am not able to find any universities that have minors in endocrinology. An endocrinologist is a medical doctor that an internal medicine residency then a fellowship in endocrinology. There are some masters degrees and PhD's in endocrine physiology in the US.

Sorry man i have to call:

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Again, I do not want this thread to get off topic for some silly ass reason such as this. This was done for the benefit of others, simply to learn about how I feel the hgh affecting ME, and potentially helping them to make better decisions to/not to go through with something similar.

Just to clear up what is obviously bothering you - Here is the definition of a doctorate for you:

"A doctorate is an academic degree or professional degree that in most countries refers to a class of degrees which qualify the holder to teach in a specific field."

Some examples, cut and pasted:

1. doctorate - one of the highest earned academic degrees conferred by a university
doctor's degree

DMD, Doctor of Dental Medicine - a doctor's degree in dental medicine
DDS, Doctor of Dental Surgery - a doctor's degree in dental surgery
DEd, Doctor of Education, EdD - a doctor's degree in education (can be in medicine - i.e. Pathology)
Doctor of Medicine, MD - a doctor's degree in medicine
Doctor of Optometry, OD - a doctor's degree in optometry (the study of the eye - medicine)
Doctor of Osteopathy, DO - doctor's degree in osteopathy
Doctor of Public Health, DPH - a doctor's degree in preventive medicine (often awarded with a dental degree)

I can teach law, medicine, biology, and likely chemistry if i took 2 more by many, many definitions I have multiple doctorates, namely, in a medical profession.

I have a J.D., a minor in endocrin from a Big Ten school (a minor is a designation given to a student that has taken 'X' number of classes in ANY given area as long as they complete other prereq's as well), a major in bio, a minor in chem, and a doctorate in medicine, as in a medical field. You are incorrect about the path, dentisty, and others.

I do not care to argue with you about something that means nothing to my thread.

Please, take your comments to another thread if you have nothing to add to mine. I am not here to measure dicks, and I don't frankly care one way or the other if you believe me or you do not...or if you are just unable to comprehend the various 'doctoral' designations presented.

I prefer some anonymity. I will maintain this and will not go into any details again. I would love for you to contribute in a positive way to this thread, but if you cannot please save your questions and thoughts about my personal/educational/professional life as they will be ignored from here on out.

I am sorry man, but I am going to have to ask you to enjoy some alone time on your bullshit flag while I sip on some beer and learn something from "House".

Nate is questioning your stats as it is usually the only people who tout their 'expertise' or ones who have none or have something to prove. Kind of like people who start threads with "i can bench 50000lbs."

Either way, i don't care what you're a doctor of, my question is what are "fitness comps"? BBing comps? If so, 8% is pretty high for that. Fitness comps for men? That would be crazy to see a guy your size jumping around in those goofy outfits. Alot of this thread doesn't make any sense.

You could have easily just given your normal stats (height, weight, age, BF%) and said "I'm planning on doing a run with GH and will updating frequently."

Anyway, good luck. GH is the best.
RJH - fair enough, nicely put. My first thread after reading for years and mistake. I suppose I thought I would have this for a year, and I wanted people to be able to learn and understand I am not a 20 year old pin pusher rambling. However, looking back, I agree.

I do some work for cosmetic companies (midwest mostly, some SW) as a model, clothing companies, ect, so my 'fitness' mainly revolves around that....the 'comp' part would refer to getting the job. I have not participated in BB comps of any kind. I have participated in strongman comps, and I have trained/trained with 4 bb'ers. I helped them design cycles and diet, but honestly that was over 4 years ago now.

At 7-9% I look about as cut as I care to ever be. I do not want veins coming out of my abs or my chest. I might look to do that in the future, but for now I enjoy the friendly challenges associated with competing with guys/girls on the beach/model/athletic type stage.

Thank you for your post, it was helpful and I will learn from that.

Weighed in water at our PT center today, came in at 14.7%, so I see my 17% guess was a little high. I was 237.

Now I have a starting point and can look back and see how the hgh effects body composition clearly.