My Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) prescription... Please review and comment


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My HRT prescription... Please review and comment

I am 35 and have been on test for about 2 years. When my family doc tested my back then at 33 my T was at 300 or so. He said that was at the low range of normal so we started test IM twice a month - 200mg each time.

4 months ago.. started to try to get wife pregnant... NUTHIN... so I looked around and realized I probably had shut my system down. Got tested and sure enough my LH was at 0.2. Estradiol 46 and Test was at 500 (I had taked my shot 10 days before blood draw).

So this is what the new clinic has me on and I really want to know if you guys think this is good.

Test - 50mg 2x week IM
Clomid - 25mg everyday
HCG - 500iu 2x week sub-cu
Anastrozole - 0.25 mg 2x week

I am 6'00 - 225lbs - 17% BF

From what I have read I dont see many on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Clomid. But I dont really know much about this.

Thank you for reading and for any comments.
I've never heard of It prescribed like this. That is because we don't hear much about guys trying to bring up sperm production while using testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). i hope this works out for you. Please keep us posted. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Clomid are what I'd use. I'm also use some IGF-1 Lr3
Hate to be negative, cheif, but your doc is a comlpete idiot. If he was trying to get a six year old boy to fire off a good nut...this protocol might work. Click my banner. I'll get your life on course just like i do with every single other client i deal, wifey will get the baby batter that she needs from you and you'll all live happily ever after. As for this other doc, you're wasting your time. Let's get you fixed up right. Email me for info... Thanks
Chip - what exactly is wrong with this? I know the dosages arent insane... is it the combo? I have a good bit of money in this so far having bought the meds and seend the doctor and done initial bloodwork.. Also they are having me do bloodwork again at the 45 day mark for a progress check.

Thank you.
I've never heard of It prescribed like this. That is because we don't hear much about guys trying to bring up sperm production while using testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). i hope this works out for you. Please keep us posted. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Clomid are what I'd use. I'm also use some IGF-1 Lr3

Thanks, and that is suprising to me. I would think most men would want to keep their swimmers working on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) just to keep the whole manly machine working etc.
Testosterone inj. dosing 50-400mg every 2-4 weeks (FDA approved)

and 75-100mg/week (per practice guidelines)
Thanks everyone... 100mg a week sounds like it is good. Someone suggested I need 300-400 per week... hmmm that seems like a cycle to me.... no thanks.

I just want my test levels normal (back to when I was in my early 20's etc) and to be able to fire off a functional nut.
I can't comment dude - I know nothing about trying to keep sperm level up WHILE cycling. I can't help but think that I would suggest quitting all external test and doing the rest of it.
Hate to be negative, cheif, but your doc is a comlpete idiot. If he was trying to get a six year old boy to fire off a good nut...this protocol might work. Click my banner. I'll get your life on course just like i do with every single other client i deal, wifey will get the baby batter that she needs from you and you'll all live happily ever after. As for this other doc, you're wasting your time. Let's get you fixed up right. Email me for info... Thanks

Chip - while I don't expect you to reveal a protocal for him - thats what you get paid for - it would be nice to get a little more detail beyond "your doctor is an idiot, hire me". Sure you can add why his doctor is an idiot.
let me help you out and give you some piece of mind.
#1. Your doc is a complete idiot! Why in gods name would he have you on injectable test and androgel at the same time, let alone androgel at all? It doesnt work.
#2. .30ml/300ius every ten days may possibly bring a squirrels nuts back to glory. Not yours!
#3. None of this is your fault. You have put your faith into someone who is a jackass.
#4. The reason your testes aren't coming back to size is because your leydig cells (in your testes) have been desensitized for some time now.
#5. This is not (in most cases) a permanent condition if Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is administered properly.

Plain and simple, your leydig cells receive a signal from the brain when Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is administered that they need to "fire up". Like turning the key in the ignition of a car. Once they fire up, the testes will regain size. However, for the engine of a car to fire up, there needs to be enough juice in the battery to start, correct??? .30/300ius every ten days is like trying to charge up a motorcycle battery, then drop it in a corvette and hope it runs! That vette isnt gonna start brother.

You need to shock the shit out of your nuts with a large administration of hgc in order to "wake up the boys".

Day 1: 3000ius Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) injected intramuscularly. (my personal preference)
day 5: 1000ius Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) im or sub "q"
day 9: 1000ius Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) im or sub "q"
day 13: 1000ius im or sub "q"
by now the boys should be filling back up. Maybe not full. But getting there. If they are back to size, back your dose down to 500ius every 4th day till finished. (assuming you have 10,000ius of hcg)
if not back to size keep at 1,000ius every fourth day till finished. Depending on the level of desensitization that has occured, you may need to run another bottle. You do need to be careful with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) because you can actually use to much of it and cause permanent shutdown, but in your particular situation, that is what you are trying to keep from happening anyway. They need a big jolt. Click my banner. I can get you going on hrt that will actually work...not this emotional roller coaster that this quack has you running with. Good luck