My Jerry Springer Final Thought for the law


New member
I think it is kind of pathetic that there actually is law enforcement on these sites trying to bring people down. I know personally of a few cops around town with coke habits and those that take AS. I guess it takes a criminal to catch a criminal is the mindset now-a-days. Instead of beefing up security on the net and gyms, why don't they put a couple more guys in internal affairs and try catching a few that do the same as us right in front of them? I don't smoke and dont drink( on occasion) but that doesn't stop people from blowing smoke in my face when I am eating at a restaurant or elsewhere. Yet when I do a shot, I don't accidentally poke anybody with the needle. Nobody suffers from what some of us do but maybe ourselves and of course our wallets. I don't think anybody has been shot on the corner of a street so someone could rob them for money for a Sustanon (sust) amp. And thinking about growing up I was never offered if I wanted to buy dbol tabs on the playground nor was I ever at a party and felt peer pressure to do a shot of EQ. Knock out the real drugs, because lets put it this way I can go into the store and buy bleach( totally legal to do) and inject it into myself. I may not see results but there is not a law against injecting bleach to my knowledge. Only differences is bleach may sting a little more, and cause a side effect known as death. Take care of yourselves and each other. Thanks.
It is our government protecting us from ourselves...Remember all the media hoopla about steroids about 10 years back??? And then that bitch Lyle Alzado came out and blamed steroids for his brain cancer (I'd like to see where that was ever scientifically proven...most likely from the GH he was using.. the old Gnorm taken from cadavers) and not to mention the strong rumor that he was a closet homosexual....(HIV maybe??) I would love to see the media do a story on how steroids may not be so bad as people once thought they were...if done properly (thats the key get these 18 year old morons that think the old way...if one pill will make me big..then 10 will make me huge) they can enhance our lives tremendously... Maybe we can get Biggie or Tx to contact some media guy and show them the benefits far outweigh the side effects of steroids and do a story on it... we always have Swale as a doctor that could contribute as well.... but then again... maybe its best we stay out of the limelight....
Powerhouse9 said:
I think it is kind of pathetic that there actually is law enforcement on these sites trying to bring people down. I know personally of a few cops around town with coke habits and those that take AS. I guess it takes a criminal to catch a criminal is the mindset now-a-days. Instead of beefing up security on the net and gyms, why don't they put a couple more guys in internal affairs and try catching a few that do the same as us right in front of them? I don't smoke and dont drink( on occasion) but that doesn't stop people from blowing smoke in my face when I am eating at a restaurant or elsewhere. Yet when I do a shot, I don't accidentally poke anybody with the needle. Nobody suffers from what some of us do but maybe ourselves and of course our wallets. I don't think anybody has been shot on the corner of a street so someone could rob them for money for a Sustanon (sust) amp. And thinking about growing up I was never offered if I wanted to buy dbol tabs on the playground nor was I ever at a party and felt peer pressure to do a shot of EQ. Knock out the real drugs, because lets put it this way I can go into the store and buy bleach( totally legal to do) and inject it into myself. I may not see results but there is not a law against injecting bleach to my knowledge. Only differences is bleach may sting a little more, and cause a side effect known as death. Take care of yourselves and each other. Thanks.

I hear you man. this is how every one of us feel about the whole thing (atleast I do). The dangers of steroids I believe is not the issue. The problem is in the north american culture bro. I will try to not get into phsychology now but I feel that it is the sad and unanimous dependincy we north americans have on earthly things that make things like steroids a problem. We aim not only for material fullfilment, but also spiritual fullfilment through those material elements. and thats where abuse and problems start. Even food, the most essential thing after water, has become a huge problem in NA. No doubt over 55% of americans are OBESE, and obviously there is that simple reason again (ABUSE and looking for fullfilment in the wrong places). I have no doubt in my mind now that gear is very beneficial for men, when used in sane and moderate ways. But again thats where the problem is. We go for the overkill with everything. (we ofcourse refering to the general population). That is why laws in the states are becoming more rigid, and jail cells are always overloaded. The government rather than finding alternative ways to the problems of abuse, is and always will be taking the easier approach by imposing these stupid and unfair laws. It is no irony that alot of the countries out there dont have any problems with steroid abuse, even when it is soooo cheap and abundant in some countries. take a look at places like greece, c.republic, spain, romania...ect. Even if these drugs are illegal in those countries, the laws are still very loosely imposed, since abuse does not seem a problem in those countries at all.
I know personally of a few cops around town with coke habits and those that take AS.

As a former ( that is FORMER) cop, you just described about 95% of my former colleges!!! And that includes the judges and District Attorneys also!!!!;)
and you wonder why my lawenforcement degree will never get used. im considering changing it to business and being a corporate rat. atleast i wont have to work on the weekends.

seriously if a cop is staking out me for steroids, then i would straight up say in the courts.. why would you come after me for steroids, when you know damn well who the coke dealers are and how they target little kids, there was a scandal about a jr. high student and trying to sell coke to his classmates for a dealer.. now thats fucked up.

Steroids dont hurt the public, they only affect the person using, and its not completely a bad effect. yeah it hurts the liver, so does drinking, it hurts the prostate, so do other things. i think that more people that do steroids watch their health than people that drink everyday watching the monday night football and working a deadend job will ever do. if something feels wrong with our bodies we go and get checked out, if they feel shitty, they tough it out.. and that heart attack from all that shitty food, they cant tough those out too much.

im done ranting. i hate this topic. i wish we could have personal dosages such as canada.
I would like to see a story done on Dateline etc about them actually not hurting you (some of them) I mean, they allow thing like cigarette smoking and liquir to be soldwhich has caused millions of deaths. I have never heard of someone smoking or drinking to better themselves. Get some of the big wig moderators to do some talking for us. I'm sick of this shit hearing people say it is bad and evil etc.
The medical and legal communities in the western world think that the only purpose for medicine is to treat sick people. Their is no room in their world view for the possibility of using pharmacology to make healthy people better.

We're never gonna win this battle, but there'll always be enough demand to keep the black market going strong.

Ifrit said:
I would like to see a story done on Dateline etc about them actually not hurting you (some of them) I mean, they allow thing like cigarette smoking and liquir to be soldwhich has caused millions of deaths. I have never heard of someone smoking or drinking to better themselves.

Excellent point. However, you will NEVER see these two things outlawed bacause of the ridiculously large amounts of money involved. Taxes, commerce, domestic and overseas business, it goes on and on. Regardless of how many people die from these two drugs (and yes, they are DRUGS), the government will spend not one iota of time or financial resources to get rid of them. They'll make politically correct gestures and regulate the shit out of them (which, incidentally, generates more revenue for the government), but banishing those two industries is a non-starter. I think AAS's are victims of the politically correct climate overrunning this country today. You can get a bunch of homos tha want to turn themselves into women by taking mind-bogling amounts of female hormones (far more than the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) dosages utilized by 99% of the dudes on this board). And not only is that legal, and in some places embraced, you've got these cocksuckers suing states to pay for them!!! WTF!! It's political correctness run amok. The negative stigma attached to Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use is so prevalent that it does, and always will, trump ANY amount of scientific evidence to the contrary. Political correctness will be the downfall of this country. Hell, it's started already.
STANG 98 said:
You can get a bunch of homos tha want to turn themselves into women by taking mind-bogling amounts of female hormones (far more than the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) dosages utilized by 99% of the dudes on this board). And not only is that legal, and in some places embraced, you've got these cocksuckers suing states to pay for them!!!

Heck, I've heard of "transexuals" in prison who have successfully sued the state not only for extrogen, but for re-assignment surgery.
As far as Law enforcement is concerned, corruption has always been there and WILL always be there. If its out there you can trust there is some crooked cop gettin paid. No matter what the "item".Its all about the benjamins boys......The root of all evil. Do as I say not as I do..Law enforcement is jus as engaged in illegal activity as the rest of the "free" world.I personally have sold particular items to two retired detectives in my younger days.They just hide it better and most never go undersuspicion.Nothing can be done to stop it. Just my thoughts take it for what its worth.