New member
Bali is very uplifting and gets me out and about, social but capable of accomplishing a lot.
I would fully agree with you - a very good way of explaining it.

Bali is very uplifting and gets me out and about, social but capable of accomplishing a lot.
I would fully agree with you - a very good way of explaining it.Very social.
Thank you for the endorsement.............I wouldnt suggest wrapping in toilet just sounds wrong, haha.i rap mine in toilet paper and chug it down hoping i dont gag.. i think i had 6 grams in one piece one time and it got stuck ... i thought i was a gonner for sure until my brain started working and told myself to puke that shit up... tp broke open 6 grams all in my mouth... long story short 4g is max for me to parachute hahah... yea some of you may now have felt much, i read somewhere it could take a few times.. but this guy is the real deal... i have dealt with many other phonies over the years and almost gave up until queeefer..hes the man.... 4 g also mite nto be enough for you.. iknow some say its alot but honestly imo its like cruising on test. i suggest u buy some they all have their own unique properties and feels to them.. ahh i love KRATOM
As long as you aren't in a state where kratom is illegal you should receive the samples.
Some guys from Indiana, Tennessee, Wisconsin, or Louisiana email us for free samples but we can't send kratom to those states.
Could you give me some advice on Kramton taking the place of preworkout?
Could you give me some advice on Kramton taking the place of preworkout?
Take 1/2 teaspoon of the VietBomb - it gave me tons of gitter free energy about 40 or 50 minutes after taking it - on an empty stomach.
Any adverse side effects or problems on rest days? Also drug test that you could fail?
Any adverse side effects or problems on rest days? Also drug test that you could fail?