My New Cycle - Tren A or E, Test E, and Deca Bulking - Need some Vet Advice


Test E, Deca, DBOL!
Hey Guys,

Been awhile since Ive been on here.

Sitting at 210 11%bf 5'10" 30yo. Diet ultra clean train 6x/week. Id post pics but i have many tattoos that would identify me and don't wanna risk it.

This is my 5th cycle in the past couple years.


1- Sustanon for 4 months
2- Deca and Test- 4 months
3- Deca Test dbol for 10 months (tren and adrol added but discontinued)
4- Winstrol, mast and anavar for 5 months.

I tried adding tren and adrol midway during my last bulking cycle as a recommendation from a trainer and became quite fatigued due to the sides (muscle and joint pain, liver, brown urine, and low energy) and therefore had to discontinue.

I am ready to embark on a new long term bulking cycle (minimum of 20 weeks) where I would like to run a form of tren (ace or Ena) with deca and a longer acting ester of test (c, e, or 300) and really need some input about dosages etc.

I know there are many theories about Tren and deca run at the same time, however I am deciding to run both. I love deca (best gains) and would appreciate the water retention of it and joint support with the mass building of tren.

My questions are as follows:
1- what dosages/frequency for the deca/test/tren to use to decrease sides? I hear more tren with less deca/test reduces sides? true?
2- do I run tren E or tren A? I can only pin 3x per week max and sometimes need to miss (holidays) what one reduces sides?
3- do you recommend airimidex or aromasin and if so what dosage?

I really really really really really appreciate any comments, suggestions, guidance with this. if any vets can post it would be great or others that have experience running this cycle.

peace bros!