My Next Cycle and would like some opinions


New member
i am planing on running another cycle in jan and was thinking about using test E @750 per week and deca at 450 per week. i am currently 197 lbs at 8%bf and 24 years old.I would use Adex @.5 eod if any signs of gyno arise. my post will look something like the. Comid 150/100/50/50 nova 40/40/20 if i can get input on this that would be great. thanks
Run the deca at least 12 weeks. Test 2 weeks longer. I personally run the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) throughout. Get caber or prami for prolactin
i forgot to say i was planning on running the deca for 18 weeks and the test e for 20 weeks. should i run the pram the whole cycle or just if i get any prolactin related sides? and at what dose?
Alright sounds good. how does the dosing sound for the other compounds though? should i change them up or are they solid
first cycle was 500 Test E a week, Second was dbol at 40 mg per day and 500 test E was on 300 deco for 8 weeks as well but i cut that out because i was getting really emotional like a pregnant woman lmao
Have you had bloodwork done? Running test that high along with deca can have some side effects I'm sure you're aware of. If you can control your e2 then go for it. I ran my first test /deca at 600 test and 400 deca.
Have you had bloodwork done? Running test that high along with deca can have some side effects I'm sure you're aware of. If you can control your e2 then go for it. I ran my first test /deca at 600 test and 400 deca.

Agreed that 600/400 is a good place to start.
if you body fat is around 8-10% you should do 300 test 200 deca and 50 mast p EOD

no need for an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if you are doing the mast.