My next cycle (get knowledge)


New member
Hey guys so I'm 6'2 205 I was in really great shape but let my abs go so I'm starting a new cycle I have ran tren Sus cyp in past just been out of game for sometime so I'm asking for tips on dosage and combinations of cycles ppl would recommend I have a bottle of winny and I want to run something with unless someone's feels I with hit my goals just with winny so here are my goals I want to go from 200-205 and get to 225 with 8-9% bf I'm going to be on a 3500-3600 cal diet lifting 5x a week. Lastly I have some built up gyno not hard I I'm going to order letrozol to regulate that so my questions are. Is it ok to run a cycle while taking letro. Also what you you recommend with winny or without winny dosage and cycle therapy and post cycle please I love getting knowledge
Are you ready to cycle? To me the answer would be no, no and no.

Firstly, you need to focus on dealing with that gyno. Using an AI to reverse gyno while it can work, it is an old school method. Try using a SERM either Nolva, Raloxifene or Toremifene. Look up the thread on gyno reversal.

PCT needs to be run 4 weeks atleast. Clomid and/or Nolva is the norm, however toremifene IMO is superior than both combined and restoring.

What is your current bodyfat? Cycle history? To get from 200 to 225 and drop body fat... That's a little bit ambitious, maybe with a lot of tren but that's not the way I would go about it. Rather do a cut, then start your cycle. Alternatively, something like a Test+Winny cutting cycle with an appropriate diet.
So for the gyno reversal u recommend toremifene over raloxifine nolva and letro? Current bf is 13-14% I ran my first cycle of cyp and my second was tren/cyp/sus that is where gyno started gettin bad