My next test/tren cycle...thoughts?


Ok, so I've been home for a little over a year and have been on test ever since.
I came out at 170 and desperately wanted to get my size and strength back asap so I jumped back on Immediately.
I'm currently 205ish and but due to some personal issues and alot of frustration my training and diet has been less than stellar.
I just ran into some good luck and serious light in my personal life and am ready to dial my physique goals in completely.

Stats: 41 yrs old, 5'10" 205lbs, I'd guess 15% bf, 20 years training exp, multiple cycles (Usually test yr round at 250-500/wk. Fairly clean diet but drinking for one needs to b limited severely.

I've done Tren twice in the past, the 1st time I fuct up and ran tren way too high and killed my dick.
2nd time around ran 600mg test/400mg tren/wk w eod injections and it was awesome!!!

So I'm looking to use Tren again to kick start my new program and a new chapter in my life.
I've been recommended Tren ace at 300mg eod and test prop at 100 mg eod to include a prolactin bliocker and estro blocker.
Another buddy in competition swears I dont need that much tren, I could get away w/100mg eod of each (Test prop, tren ace) w/the ancillaries.

I figured I'd compromise between the 2 w/the exception of running ed instead of eod.
So: Test prop 50mg ed/tren ace 100mg ed along w/the prolactin and estro blockers as needed.

Since I've been on for a year I'm gna take a month off and run Triptorelin to restart my Natty test and give the system a break, then come back with a vengeance on the test/tren cycle.

That's all u got? A slick comment w/no backing info...Thanx for ure post dude, you've been a huge help. lol
That's all u got? A slick comment w/no backing info...Thanx for ure post dude, you've been a huge help. lol

Sorry I was just shocked to hear that lol. But I think what you decided to do sounds good. Sounds like you are a believer in higher tren than test. I'm not sure which is necessarily better but I've actually heard better from low test higher tren like you are going to do. Less sides anyways from what I've heard. Should be a good cycle. What are you going to use for your estrogen blocker and prolactin sides?
you're 205 lbs 15% bf and 41 years old. 1050 mg of tren a week is too much for a top pro. 100mg eod is perfect. But at your age i wouldnt touch tren. Not saying your old by any means but i would not run the harshest AAS at all...much less at crazy doses. Consider a milder coumpounds like npp.
Sorry I was just shocked to hear that lol. But I think what you decided to do sounds good. Sounds like you are a believer in higher tren than test. I'm not sure which is necessarily better but I've actually heard better from low test higher tren like you are going to do. Less sides anyways from what I've heard. Should be a good cycle. What are you going to use for your estrogen blocker and prolactin sides?
You were right bro, when I repeated it back to my guy he corrected immediately.
The current recomendation is as follows:
100mg eod Tren ace/50mg eod Test prop.
And a basic prolactin inhibitor at .5 to 1mg nightly before bed (Causes drowsiness I guess)
Where it gets tricky and a little scary is having faith that what I've been recommended is an accurate safe guard against finadick???
The theory is...Tren is the beast of the bunch at 3 times strength if u will. a higher tren (dbl), and just enough test to maintain levels...and take a prolactin inhibitor like prami to maintain libido, safeguard against lactation, gyno etc.
The only (or biggest) need for test in the cycle is "Dick health", because believe me...losing ure manhood is not fun or pleasent.
Thoughts and comments, in 6 years I've NEVER needed or run an estr blocker, ever.
My ONLY concern w/this setup is the function issue, since I've run Tren twice before I know it is exactly what I want.

you're 205 lbs 15% bf and 41 years old. 1050 mg of tren a week is too much for a top pro. 100mg eod is perfect. But at your age i wouldnt touch tren. Not saying your old by any means but i would not run the harshest AAS at all...much less at crazy doses. Consider a milder coumpounds like npp.