my peptide experience.


New member
My first PEPTIDE experience. CJC 1295 100mcg and GHRP 6 100mcg morning, PWO, and Pre bed. 5'9 197lbs. At beginning. After week one I'm 190lbs but most of the loss is from just scaling back on food intake and a cleaner diet. I do notice some very intense pumps throughout the day and during my workout they get so intense they hurt and I love it. Sleep quality has also increased I now wake up fully rested and ready to go. I'm hoping in the weeks to come I get some fat loss as that's my main goal. I figure after four months of this and dieting I should see some good results or I may switch to the 176-191 with the other just pre bed. I'll post my results each week. This is on top of my TRT.
Good to hear.

Been on Ipa/Mod GRF(1-29) combo for about 5 months myself. Regarding the fat reduction, I could not pinpoint to the tides since I was also on a test/deca cycle but then 3 months in, I just lost a pant size. Everyone is different but have seen only good things by being on the tides.
You're running my exact tide cycle RailRider!! Its fucking great, I'm noticing my tendon/joint aches and pains are gone and looking/feeling much younger!! I'm getting a double order now to double my dosage up to 200mcgs 3x/ed of GHRP-6 then still run CJC-1295 100mcgs 3x/ED
After week 2 weight is holding steady at 190lbs. I am starting to notice the body fat on my sides is starting to thin out. Still really good sleep quality and the muscle pumps are insane. After today's workout I saw a huge increase in my strength very excited for the weeks to come.
Congratulations on the great results Rail. As always, feel free to give us a call or email if there is anything we can help with.

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rail are you doing this everyday or just workout days or what? I have been very interested in CJC for a while now, but there is so much conflicting data as I would just like to try it for fat loss.

SRC, do you guys have a standard protocol you suggest such as this one? I'm trying to justify the cost of tryig this vs. just going with GH. I have no interest in anything but well being and fat loss if that helps.

sorry rail, not trying to hijack your thread.
I'm doing this daily. I believe I would see far better results if I Knew what i was doing and could be more strict on a diet I don't eat all that unhealthy but I eat a lot. My main goals are also well being and fat loss. My PEPTIDES are from SRC and so far I'm very happy.

If any of you guys reading this are good with cutting and diets and wouldn't mind sharing some suggestions with me I'd appreciate it. Good luck with your own experience.
I'm doing this daily. I believe I would see far better results if I Knew what i was doing and could be more strict on a diet I don't eat all that unhealthy but I eat a lot. My main goals are also well being and fat loss. My PEPTIDES are from SRC and so far I'm very happy.

If any of you guys reading this are good with cutting and diets and wouldn't mind sharing some suggestions with me I'd appreciate it. Good luck with your own experience.

honestly, i actually think its better if you don't change your diet. The reason being you may see a drastic change and not know if its from the diet or the CJC. Me personally i would continue yor run with this stuff without any diet changes and get your BF professionally done after you stop and see what changes were made. Then you'll know the only factor affecting it was the peptides.

3J can help you with diet advice whenevr you like. Go over to the diet forum and get your questions answered there.
SRC, do you guys have a standard protocol you suggest such as this one? I'm trying to justify the cost of tryig this vs. just going with GH. I have no interest in anything but well being and fat loss if that helps.

sorry rail, not trying to hijack your thread.


You have a PM.

Bout to start my first peptide run myself. Ipamorelin/CJC-1293 100mcg AM/Pre-workout/Bedtime. A buddy of mine over at Pro muscle has pointed out through some studies that adding melatonin 1 hour before your bedtime shot of peptides can drastically further the amount of GH secreted (almost double). I will be running 10mg melatonin nightly to see how this goes, if any of you guys aren't, it's probably worth a try.

PS I agree with RJH. I want to see exactly how well the peptides can aid in weight loss. I will be sticking with my current diet and routine that I have been on for the past couple months, so any additional fat loss can be attributed directly to the addition of the peptides.
Bout to start my first peptide run myself. Ipamorelin/CJC-1293 100mcg AM/Pre-workout/Bedtime. A buddy of mine over at Pro muscle has pointed out through some studies that adding melatonin 1 hour before your bedtime shot of peptides can drastically further the amount of GH secreted (almost double). I will be running 10mg melatonin nightly to see how this goes, if any of you guys aren't, it's probably worth a try.

PS I agree with RJH. I want to see exactly how well the peptides can aid in weight loss. I will be sticking with my current diet and routine that I have been on for the past couple months, so any additional fat loss can be attributed directly to the addition of the peptides.

watch that melatonin if you have never taken it epoxy. That shit made me sleep so fucking hard, i had tren style dreams on half that dose. I could handle it fine, but it needs to be known before you start. lol
Still sticking with the same doses of 100mcg of each but have now backed down to only 2x/day to help lower the cost as the 2mg vials go very quick Pre workout and Pre bedtime.
I have notice a really good increase in my strength and cardio this week and believe I will now start to see some really good quality muscle gain from here on. I have noticed some fat loss with no change to my diet. Still my favorite experience so far has got to be the muscle pumps. I have about 1 month of the CJC left and will be switching to only the Impamorelin when gone to see how it works alone again this is only to find the most cost effective route for long term use.
Rail: sounds like you are really enjoying the combination. It's really effective. I will try to post the chart that shows how much it will increase your gh output. It's a huge increase for about 2 hours and actually higher tha gh itself but gh last twice as long. I won't tell you not to try ipa alone but I think you will be dissapointed after using the ghrh/ghrp combo, but good luck to you and enjoy
Seems like my progress from here on out is going to be good steady gains the fast results I believe have peaked. Each week my sets get considerably easier. I'm very pleased with the peptides. My only complaint would be with the CJC 1295/ghrp-6 combo at 100mcg Pre workout and pre bed I did start to have trouble sleeping the last few weeks which put a little damper on my workouts. With that said my Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Dr. recommended me to use just Ipamorelin at 70mcg per dose because he to had the same trouble with the sleep on the other and the Ipa seemed to solve the issue. So today is day one with Ipa only. Ht 5'9" Wt 194 Bf 9% Before anything I was around 14% With no change in diet I'd say not to bad.
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Seems like my progress from here on out is going to be good steady gains the fast results I believe have peaked. Each week my sets get considerably easier. I'm very pleased with the peptides. My only complaint would be with the CJC 1295/ghrp-6 combo at 100mcg Pre workout and pre bed I did start to have trouble sleeping the last few weeks which put a little damper on my workouts. With that said my Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Dr. recommended me to use just Ipamorelin at 70mcg per dose because he to had the same trouble with the sleep on the other and the Ipa seemed to solve the issue. So today is day one with Ipa only. Ht 5'9" Wt 194 Bf 9% Before anything I was around 14% With no change in diet I'd say not to bad.

WOW _ 14% to 9%? that's awesome with no change in diet! did you have any weight gain or has it been stead re-composition?
I dropped clear down to 186 in the beginning and have slowly gone up to my current weight. I'm going to start cleaning up my diet a little bit after the first.
Dr. recommended me to use just Ipamorelin at 70mcg per dose because he to had the same trouble with the sleep on the other and the Ipa seemed to solve the issue. So today is day one with Ipa only.

Since Ipa seems to be the 3rd generation of tides, that is great to hear and fits with my protocol. Zero sides with the Ipa/Mod GRF(1-29) protocol I have been on.
1 wk now on the ipa. I'm experiencing a numbness/tingling in my limbs mostly my legs. Feels like a lack of blood flow and they're going to sleep. I'm not sure if this is do to the peptide or because of a severe dehydration spell I just experienced. A flu caused me to loose 15lbs in 72hrs and has made me extremely weak. Those are the only to variables changed. So I'll hydrate and if felling persists I'm going back to the original protocol.