My Pics...


New member
Hi All, here are some pics of me...234 Lb's, 12-13% like a mofo

All comments are welcome, just be honest and if you wanna slate me...go ahead, make my day!

good pic..would look very great if ya keep training, dude. and yes, those are great progress. just keep it up and don't miss a workout!!! stick with proper diet too!
lats need more attentions though
what's your routine?
any cycles?
,,, looks good bro, i would say that your chest needs some attention , not bad ,, but could use some work and size. just curious ,, how did you come up with the 12-13%bf figure? i'm fighting that battle right now.

oh ,, stats? height, weight, some measurements... lookin good bro !
looking good... your double bi pose brings attention to your big ass guns... but your lat spread is weak .. maybe its just that shot by anyhoo good stuff keep training
thanks for the advice guys, never done a cycle and yes, i would say my lats and chest do need work. I am 6'1" and the last time i measured my arms were just over 17 inches and my quads were just over 25 inches...

My diet at the moment consists of oatmeal, eggs, tuna, chicken, red meat, ostrich, lots of Basmati rice and a ton of broccoli, oh and Almonds and a bit of peanut butter...

My training is based on MAX-OT training and i do cardio in the mornings 4 or 5 days a week. I train one body part in the evenings...I came up with the 12-13% BF just by what I looked like when i was 10% about 6 months ago...

I am benching pretty strong at the moment, my best is 325 LB's for 6 reps, this is my last set of flat bench and my squats are 370 LB's for 6...I think i need to pack on some more size now, as here in South Africa we are heading for a cold winter, so i can afford to eat like a machine again.

I am thinking of starting a cycle, but maybe set something up for summer here which is about 4 or 5 months away, so i have plenty time to pack on some solid mass....

Again, thanks for the advice.
