My pinnacle Cycle


New member
Hello guys, ive been a long time lurker of this board, and finally decided to make a handle. Got my hands on some pinnacle again for round 2. First cycle was just test cyp @500 a week...and i grew like a weed,with dedicated workout regime and almost on point diet.

Height: 5'10
Bodyfat: 13%
Cycle history: 2 cycles

My second cycle will consist of the following:

Test cyp: 500mg a week
Deca: 500mg a week

pct: nolva and clomid prob throw some hcg. Let me know your thoughts. If you have any questions shoot me a pm!
Be sure to run some caber with the Deca bro. Also, many run deca less than the Test but you should still be good as long as you control your E2 and prolactin. End the Deca a couple weeks earlier bud.

If you need any help feel free to get a hold of me bro.
looks real good ...

only thing I agree with everyone else get some caber for yourself ...

and i think Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) included in post cycle therapy (pct) is a good idea with deca bro. smart

Hello guys, ive been a long time lurker of this board, and finally decided to make a handle. Got my hands on some pinnacle again for round 2. First cycle was just test cyp @500 a week...and i grew like a weed,with dedicated workout regime and almost on point diet.

Height: 5'10
Bodyfat: 13%
Cycle history: 2 cycles

My second cycle will consist of the following:

Test cyp: 500mg a week
Deca: 500mg a week

post cycle therapy (pct): nolva and clomid prob throw some hcg. Let me know your thoughts. If you have any questions shoot me a pm!
Started this cycle yesterday. I pinned after dinner since i workout at night. The shot was actually very smooth,went in like butter,woke up today, no PIP, so thats always a plus. Cant wait to start feeling the random boners throughout the day. I also decided to start dbol from pinnacle yesterday as well to kickstart my cycle. I took it 2 hours before the gym and noticed some nice pumps. I will keep everyone posted!
Nice update bro, the d-bol will def kickstart this awesome cycle, by day 7-10 you should be feeling the d-bol and the pumps will be insame.
Good luck man, this is going to be my next cycle so I'm interested in how it works out for you. I keep reading good things about pinnacle.
SO my 2nd injection was yesterday, and im fucking love this gear already! No pain at all, thank god i haven't experienced any PIP. This dbol has gotten me feeling like a god. I dont see how this cant be prescribed as a anti depressant. I dont know if its to early to see gains, but i feel ALOT fuller and bigger since i started at the beginning of this week. This pinnacle gear is bomb! Cant wait for more gains, ill keep you all posted.
Bro I have to be agreed with you about the gear. Im on Tren A/Prop/Mast and is unbelievable how good I feel and how smooth pins are. I`ll be watching your log. How many pounds you have gain??
Have had a hectic week, but have stayed on track. I shot up on monday and went smooth like always, i dont know if its to early to tell yet, but im fucking horny as shit. My libido feels like i was in high-school all over again. Ive defniatley been getting bigger off this dbol, and everyone around me has noticed it, i wish i could stay on this forever! lol Im started to see my muscles actually "pop" out more. Will keep you all posted.