My progress with 3J nutrition thus far


New member
As with many, bad choices, poor diet and life in general kept me out of the gym for 5 years after lifting heavy and training to compete for 10+ years, shit happened and ended up in the coke and heroin scene which killed everything I worked so hard for and accounted to the 5 year hiatus from the gym. Been back for a couple years and slowing getting to where I want to be. When I first started back in the gym a couple years ago I was at 132lbs at 5'10 (as I said the recs killed me physically as I was at the 190+ mark beforehand). All that being said I signed up with 3J and I am in my 3rd week of the diet and I can't express the dramatic change I am seeing in such a short time. Props to 3J and I have to say it is the best investment I have made, the coaching and diet write up adds an accountability on my part to the equation and this is a big thing in my book.

Start View attachment 551129 3 Weeks in View attachment 551130
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VERY nice results man! I too am on one of his plans and LOVE the attention to detail he puts into everything. Such a huge change already, how long are you going with him? I think you'll look like a totally different person by the end of the year at this rate! :)
Signed up for 24 weeks and we'll see from there. I am giving myself 2 years to be back to competition form and see what I can do, mind you it'll be masters division this time around lol
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Going to be jumping on cycle in a couple weeks, just on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose cruise atm.
Signed up for 24 weeks and we'll see from there. I am giving myself 2 years to be back to competition form and see what I can do, mind you it'll be masters division this time around lol
More power to you on meeting your goals man. VERY impressive so far, I didn't know you were natty - making it that more impressive imo. Then again, as 3J says; it's 80% diet, 15% training and 5% gear. ;)