My prop brew situation/journey


New member
I got 100g of test prop powder which was purchased from a pretty well known source, although you have to contact them by email as they dont list the powder on there site. They sent me a 100 grams, and it wasnt crystal like powder. Just fine, almost like flour with no smell. The melt point seemed close enough. I didnt get any PIP what so ever but it crippled my buddy. It melted even and final product looked great though.

I contacted the suplier and told them my concerns, and she sent me another 5 gram sample. She said "I personally verified this sample to be prop powder, match it to your first shipment of powder and make sure it looks the same" She wanted to make sure I didnt accedentally recieve the wrong powder.

The sample came and sure enough the sample was way different. It actually had a stonger smell ad was like fine sugar almost. You could hold it to the light and actually see little crystals glisten. Unlike the first that looked more like flour.

Also the first batch came in a ziplock bag. The second came in a sealed foil bag. I think down the line the first batch got cut with something. She had me send her a sample of my first batch and told me that the first package seemed to be real just a different batch, but resent me another 100grams of the good looking prop anyways. I stoped taking the first batch but my buddy swears it to be good and is continueing to run it. Unfortunatly I am not confident enough with it so I am thinking of tossing the 90 vials I have. Do you think that placing a vial in the freezer for a day or so should make real prop crystalize? I did this and it hasnt crashed. Can this be a pretty sufficiant test? Although it was replaced with good stuff, it is so hard to dump this shit out. But I have decided I am going to otherwise its gonna bother me untill I do so.

Anyways the new product seems to actually be stepping up my workout and size pretty fast. I was usig axio/syntrop Sus450 which sucked. I litterly had to take 1cc eod totaling 1575mg per week. I did this for 7 weeks, which I think was more like 400mg per week of prop, no blend. I stopped using there dbols and NPP as they were completly fake. Anyways my point is I have been on this new homebrew batch of prop at 600mg per week for 2 weeks and dropped the axio shit. This prop at 600mg per week kicks the shit out of sus450 at 1575mg per week, honestly its night and day.

It took me a while and a stock pile left of:
5 vials of crap ass sus450
7 vials of fake NPP
400 tabs of bunk axio dbol
and 90 vials of questionable Prop.

Long journey but well worth it. I didnt know pumps could feel like this, I was about to give up on aas all together.

Oh yeah, dont mess with axio. PM me if you want to know which shit ass axio source I am speeking of.
I got 100g of test prop powder which was purchased from a pretty well known source, although you have to contact them by email as they dont list the powder on there site. They sent me a 100 grams, and it wasnt crystal like powder. Just fine, almost like flour with no smell. The melt point seemed close enough. I didnt get any PIP what so ever but it crippled my buddy. It melted even and final product looked great though.

I contacted the suplier and told them my concerns, and she sent me another 5 gram sample. She said "I personally verified this sample to be prop powder, match it to your first shipment of powder and make sure it looks the same" She wanted to make sure I didnt accedentally recieve the wrong powder.

The sample came and sure enough the sample was way different. It actually had a stonger smell ad was like fine sugar almost. You could hold it to the light and actually see little crystals glisten. Unlike the first that looked more like flour.

Also the first batch came in a ziplock bag. The second came in a sealed foil bag. I think down the line the first batch got cut with something. She had me send her a sample of my first batch and told me that the first package seemed to be real just a different batch, but resent me another 100grams of the good looking prop anyways. I stoped taking the first batch but my buddy swears it to be good and is continueing to run it. Unfortunatly I am not confident enough with it so I am thinking of tossing the 90 vials I have. Do you think that placing a vial in the freezer for a day or so should make real prop crystalize? I did this and it hasnt crashed. Can this be a pretty sufficiant test? Although it was replaced with good stuff, it is so hard to dump this shit out. But I have decided I am going to otherwise its gonna bother me untill I do so.

Anyways the new product seems to actually be stepping up my workout and size pretty fast. I was usig axio/syntrop Sus450 which sucked. I litterly had to take 1cc eod totaling 1575mg per week. I did this for 7 weeks, which I think was more like 400mg per week of prop, no blend. I stopped using there dbols and NPP as they were completly fake. Anyways my point is I have been on this new homebrew batch of prop at 600mg per week for 2 weeks and dropped the axio shit. This prop at 600mg per week kicks the shit out of sus450 at 1575mg per week, honestly its night and day.

It took me a while and a stock pile left of:
5 vials of crap ass sus450
7 vials of fake NPP
400 tabs of bunk axio dbol
and 90 vials of questionable Prop.

Long journey but well worth it. I didnt know pumps could feel like this, I was about to give up on aas all together.

Oh yeah, dont mess with axio. PM me if you want to know which shit ass axio source I am speeking of.

Ha ha!!! Now there is another beleiver!!!! Do you see now what I've been trying to tell everyone for a long time now!!!??? I used to take 750mg a week of most UGL's and even popular one's we KNOW to be good and it doesn't compare to REAL DOSED shit!!!!
You're on another level than me obviously though cause I was only on 350mg a week of my prop and that shit was blowing my ass out!!!! I couldn't handle 600mg a week of this shit man!!! It's so damn strong!!!
90 vials of prop out of 100 grams, what did you dose it at 50mg per ML?

If it was dosed at 100 like it should have been, you would have only gotten only 40 vials.
Sorry I went back and re-read, looks like you ended up with 205 grams of powder ;)
Would be 80 or so vials.

My suspission is that your own home brew on the first batch or second for that matter is slightly under dosesd.

As for all other UGL stuff, they suffer the same issues you have, HOWEVER, they underdose on purpose, this is why jstarks comment about 750 being shit on UGL gear compared to 350 of his own gear.

I on the other hand am a crazy bastard and do 750 of my own gear...because I like it, IM A MONSTER :)

The more batches you make the better you will be at figuring out how to make it, single esters are better than blends in most cases.
90 vials of prop out of 100 grams, what did you dose it at 50mg per ML?

If it was dosed at 100 like it should have been, you would have only gotten only 40 vials.
Sorry I went back and re-read, looks like you ended up with 205 grams of powder ;)
Would be 80 or so vials.

My suspission is that your own home brew on the first batch or second for that matter is slightly under dosesd.

As for all other UGL stuff, they suffer the same issues you have, HOWEVER, they underdose on purpose, this is why jstarks comment about 750 being shit on UGL gear compared to 350 of his own gear.

I on the other hand am a crazy bastard and do 750 of my own gear...because I like it, IM A MONSTER :)

The more batches you make the better you will be at figuring out how to make it, single esters are better than blends in most cases.

No, your calculations are way off bro. 100g of test-P powder will make 100 vials dosed at 100mg per ML.

On the other hand 100g of Test-E will make 40 vials at 250mg per ml.
100 g of prop will make 100 bottles at 10 cc per bottle at 100mg !

100mg x 10 cc or ml = 1 gram that would give you 100 bottles...
Yupp 1000ml per 100g at 100mg/ml. Thats why UGL prop is so dirt cheap, or is supposed to be for that matter. Cost about $2 per 10ml vial to make if that.
I'm sure Dark was misunderstood on the fact that he was talking about prop and not Test E or C.
But yeah, 100g of test prop makes 1000ml of 100mg/ml prop. Which would be 100-10ml vials.
I R Not smrt :)

sorry guys, im a little off these days.....But your right at 100mg per ml its 1000 ml.
I had 250mg in my brain for whatever reason, its the one I build the most in fact hehe. I have prop inbound and will be my first prop build, should be simple after the 250 builds.

I love baking cakes!