My Pushbike got Stolen last night :(


New member
You don't Relies what you got untill its gone.
Last night i rode my bike to the Train-station at 8:40 at night, got back at 11:00pm and it was gone.

I forgot to lock it by the frame, i locked it by the back wheel. because yesterday was Good Friday in Australia and it was very isolated.

Not to mention i have had the bike for a very long time in my childhood and it was the best of the range at one point in time.
It was a DBR Downhill Limited Edition SXF Sport and someone stole it from my life.

My mother bought it for me when i was a kid.

As i was walking out the trainstation i was thinking god, i hope my bike is not stolen.. i could see a backwheel.. but i couldn't see the frame.. i got upto the higher level and bam.. my bikes gone.
I asked the transit officers and they said i have to call the police.
I honestly think the charges of stealing a bike is less then that bike itself.

Morel of the story:
Don't Ride your bike to the train-station late at night, even in safe areas.
And if you do, don't be dumb. Lock it to the frame.