my second cycle-bulker


New member
Hey guys, heres my cycle, everything included:

week 1-12, test prop, 150mg shot EOD
week 1-4, 20-30mg of beastdrol
week 4-10 masteron prop 250mg a week
week 10-13, epistane (i forgot the dose off hand, i think last time i did 40mg? its written down somewhere)
test discontinued week 12, but the oral stays for one more week.

i planned on using insulin during the first 4 weeks, i have humalog with me now, but my goals have changed recently and with college starting back up it would be better if i saved it for another time.

im not going to post my whole diet but the macros are 450pro/390carb/~75fat

supporting supps:
hcg 250mg shot 2-3 times per week starting in week 2, stopping 1 week before post cycle therapy (pct)
taurine-5-10mg a day
vitamin C- 1-2g per day
grapeseed-1200mg per day
vitamin e-whatever dose is on the bottle, i forgot
hawthorne berry-2-3g per day
celery extract-150-300mg per day
UDCA-250mg per day
fish oil-~6 caps per day
flax oil-whatever is on the bottle
cup of green tea per night
baby aspirin every night
incorporating other things like cranberry juice and blackberries and lots of veggies for health.

post cycle therapy (pct)-clomid 50/50/25/25 and maybe one or two more weeks at 25mg
probably use some DAA the first couple weeks
creatine also for post cycle therapy (pct) to help keep strength

I am running aromasin 12.5mg per day right now. i will decrease or increase it based on how i feel in a couple weeks or whenever. last cycle (test-e+epistane) i did 6mg per day and it kept off gyno very well but i held a lot of water weight.

training hard 5 days per week, nothing too special here. Cant think of anything else right now. I am 6' ~213 lbs fairly low bodyfat since i just got done with a cut.
anyone want to follow this or have opinions on it? if anyone does ill post as much as i can but between lifting, dieting, and school its hard to find free time.
The reason I am using masteron is because i planned on using insulin the first 4 weeks and the masteron was to shed off some bodyfat that I gained from that. Ill be in a calorie surplus, thats why I called it a bulking cycle.