My second cycle please read my message and give ideas and advise


New member
Hi guys I'm new to this this is my second cycle . My first cycle I was taking deca and tes I was injecting twice a week for 4 weeks and gained 2stone , this is my second cycle and now taking a bio x super rip 150mg witch contains trenbolone acetate 50mg masterone propionate 50mg tes propionate 50mg also thinking about taking dboll 10mg . Open to Advise
Hi guys I'm new to this this is my second cycle . My first cycle I was taking deca and tes I was injecting twice a week for 4 weeks and gained 2stone , this is my second cycle and now taking a bio x super rip 150mg witch contains trenbolone acetate 50mg masterone propionate 50mg tes propionate 50mg also thinking about taking dboll 10mg . Open to Advise

Welcome to the forums! What are your stats?!?
In pretty sure deca is ran from 50 to 100 mg jus sayin

Sorry bro not enough info. What ester of test, and do you actually mean decca or npp. Either way not long enough for any results. What ancillary drugs were you using, what did your pct look like?
In pretty sure deca is ran from 50 to 100 mg jus sayin

lol Really??? please tell me you are joking?? you know people google about cycle info and end up on this forum and if you will bluntly write anything you want; u might be the reason of someone messing up their cycle jus saying...
Hi guys I'm new to this this is my second cycle . My first cycle I was taking deca and tes I was injecting twice a week for 4 weeks and gained 2stone , this is my second cycle and now taking a bio x super rip 150mg witch contains trenbolone acetate 50mg masterone propionate 50mg tes propionate 50mg also thinking about taking dboll 10mg . Open to Advise

if you aren't being a troll then your first cycle was horrible and the cycle you are proposing sucks as well.

dboll less then 40-50mg a day won't do you any good
using tren before having done 5 cycles at least is a bad idea
4 weeks of deca is just wasting that gear and harming more to ur body then good.
Hey what does "2stone" mean??.or have I been living under a rock so long that I'm just out of the loop??:-(
Hey what does "2stone" mean??.or have I been living under a rock so long that I'm just out of the loop??:-(

its an old english imperial unit of weight ,, 1 stone is roughly 14 pounds . OPs idea on how to run a cycle is as outdated as the measurement of weight he uses ;)
Thanks for the comments i only got on to doing what I'm doing and I started the gym and a friend got me into it what so u suggest I do ?
Thanks for the comments i only got on to doing what I'm doing and I started the gym and a friend got me into it what so u suggest I do ?

Just as you have been suggested go read up on the stickies and start looking at the different steroid profiles. Then when you feel like you got that covered come back with your suggestion for a cycle and I'm sure it will look way smarter than what you are doing now.

Btw welcome and stick around to learn and avoid any mishaps that can be prevented.
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its an old english imperial unit of weight ,, 1 stone is roughly 14 pounds . OPs idea on how to run a cycle is as outdated as the measurement of weight he uses ;)

And here I.thought it was a typo....ain't that some shit!
It's a real