My steroid cycle ( Need opinions )


New member
Thinking of doing this cycle for 8 weeks :

150mg tren ace/week
200mg test prop/week
200 mg NPP/week
30mg dbol/day

What do you guys think ?
age, height, weight, years lifting, ran cycles before, diet, pct, ai, you need so much more information also 8 weeks of d bol is way to much unless you don't enjoy having a liver.
Looks incomplete. Ancillaries? PCT?

Stats requested in previous post?

25yrs old
13% bf
231 pounds
Been lifting for 4 years did 2 cycles test and EQ at low dose
I have everything for pct Letro, clomid, nolva etc... I have everything and my coach is a bodybuilder
Dbol is 5 days a week not 7 (saturday and sunday no dbol)

Can you please give me an opinion on the cycle :)
Last edited:
25yrs old
13% bf
231 pounds
Been lifting for 4 years did 2 cycles test and EQ at low dose
I have everything for pct and anti estro since I sell juice, Letro, clomid, nolva etc... I have everything and my coach is a bodybuilder
Dbol is 5 days a week not 7 (saturday and sunday no dbol)

Can you please give me an opinion on the cycle :)

Not to be a dick but why don't you ask your "coach"?? And why put it out there that you sell juice?
Phillip delete your last post or edit it that is so stupid why would you ever say that. Just trying to help you out you need to get rid of that.
Does your coach know your asking for advice on a forum?
If one of my clients decided to go behind my back & question the recommendations I gave him - I would drop him immediately - regardless of how much I'm being paid :)

If you trust your coach, and he laid out the cycle for you, then do what he wants.
If you dont trust him, or he isnt responsible for the cycle, then drop him.
Hmmmmm, one thing that makes me thing you are headed down a road you dont wanna go down is 'my coach is a bodybuilder'. For the most part thats a good indicator that this person has no clue wtf theyre talking about. Either way, Im not going to put my .02 in as all the boys here pretty well summed up my thoughts.
ill give you my opinion do not run dbol that long. 8 weeks of dbol is to much maybe kick start with 3-4 weeks but you are using prop and ace so they are going to react fast anyway so no real need for the kick start orals are just so toxic on the liver. or just don't run tren and hit test p for 12 weeks at 525mg a week. and if you really want to do tren up the test to 300 mg a week. besides all that still list your ai for during cycle and your pct plan. there seems to be a lot of holes in this cycle and things that need to be fixed before you start.
ill give you my opinion do not run dbol that long. 8 weeks of dbol is to much maybe kick start with 3-4 weeks but you are using prop and ace so they are going to react fast anyway so no real need for the kick start orals are just so toxic on the liver. or just don't run tren and hit test p for 12 weeks at 525mg a week. and if you really want to do tren up the test to 300 mg a week. besides all that still list your ai for during cycle and your pct plan. there seems to be a lot of holes in this cycle and things that need to be fixed before you start.

Thank you for giving your opinion Sir, something people in forums should do instead of trying to bash the OP.... I will take your advice in consideration !!! Thanks again
231 lbs is 104 kgs. at 25 years old and that level bodyfat you're a very big guy for that age.
How tall are you?
I also take it that you've done many cycles before this one? What age did you start cycling?
231 lbs is 104 kgs. at 25 years old and that level bodyfat you're a very big guy for that age.
How tall are you?
I also take it that you've done many cycles before this one? What age did you start cycling?

I am 5ft11, I did only one cycle of test and equipoise. I have been working out for 4 years naturally !