My Test E and Dbol cycle - Need help.

  • Thread starter Thread starter TheMcFiddler
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So this is going to be my first cycle. And I need all the help possible. The people at Anabolic minds didn't seem to want to help. So hopefully you guys will.

I have my things purchased and have done my homework. Now I need the 'Teacher' to correct it.

So.. what I wanted was to run a 12 week cycle, of Test-E, stacking weeks 1-4 with Dbols.

This is what I got. A 10mL vial of test-e 400mg/ml. And a bottle of dbols; 100 tabs @ 10mg/tab.

And I have tamoxifen as a serm for my PCT
Still need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), and perhaps clomid.

Now my problem is that... I have enough test for 10 weeks. Should I get another vail for 12 weeks....? Or Would 10 weeks of test-e be better for a first cycle.

So how does this sound..

Week 1 through 10: Test-E @ 400mg/week
Week 1 through 4: Dbols @ 40mg/ED

Should I only do 20-30mg of Dbol?

Also... I need some one to clarify... I would only need to Inject once a week correct?
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I would go week1-12 for test,500mgs/week would be better but if you want to save drama,400mgs/week injecting 1 ml per week would be simple.
Your dbol is at a good safe dose.
For an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) i would run arimidex from week 1 to the start of pct using nolva 20mgs/day for the first 3 weeks followed by 10mgs/day for the next 2 weeks.Dont worry about running arimidex during pct.
First off you haven't indicated your Age wieght or training experience? This is very helpfull before making any recomendation

You're right sir. Sorry for my ignorance. I am 21, 5'9, some where between 175-177lbs. And I have been training religiously for 2 years 5-6 times a week. Even train on holidays, because I enjoy it that much.

@ dleato

I've read In other posts, to only take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if 'Gyno' issues begin to happen.
And that Armidex is potent stuff. Only to take it if you have gyno. starting at .5 and lowering to .25.
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Only take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if gyno occurs?
Well let me tell you that an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) may reduce gyno or mostly pause the growth of gyno but the chances of it eliminating gyno are very low.So would'nt it be safer just to keep you're estrogen under control rather than dealing with it when its out of control? :)
yes arimidex is potent,thats why it's best ran at .25mgs-.5mgs/eod-e3d during cycle.

And 21 is a young age to take steroids.You're hormones should be at their peak rite now.
5-6 days a week training is a little too much,you're body needs time to recover in order to grow muscle.
Agrees with D

I think your abit young also so My personal rec would to low dose if any thing! I wouldnt exceed 400mg test at max a week and peronaly would not go over 15 to 20mg D-bal a day. see how you do. Back in the day when we all used lanterns for light my first stack was D=bol 15mg split three times a day and Deca 400mg a week Damn did I grow. here it is 25yrs later and I still use the shit. this is what happens once you take that first step! Over the years I have seen dosages increase all to much. and I dont see the reason for it. You only need as little as you can take and your body responds to NO MORE!!!!!!!!!!!! Unless u want all the undesirable sides that could possibly shorten your life. Just my opinion of course
Hey bro! I would definatly grab more test and dbol! Run your test at 500mg a week and dbol anywhere from 30 to 50 mg a day depending on your tolerence. I personally dont run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) as Ive never had any issues. I always keep nolva onn hand just in case. I like a 12 week cycle over a 10 week just because of the extra time on cycle will help slidify gains. also if you find your gains mellow out around week 6 which usually happen up your test another 100 mg a week that should keep things moving. Keep me posted on your decision and results bro!
hey man! the dbol anywhere between 30-50mgs ED id say just like D-latsky said! very good idea, just depends how much of a kickstarter you want, but id deff do the test E at 500mg (250mg 2 injections a week!) im not sure about your post cycle therapy (pct), i personally would say Nolva and clomid stack, but HCG is good to keep the stuff growin if ya know what I mean ;) but keep it up man and good luck brotha !