I'm planning to have my third cycle in about 1week My plan to put on 40-60lb, my cycle would look like this:
Dbol 40mgday week1-10
androl 25mg week 1-4
test prop 500mg week 1-12
tren ace 300mg week 1-12
test E 500mg weeks 1-12
and i might run some Nolvadex
in the end of my cycle
this cycle is a mess bro, where do I start.
First, dbol is fine, but 4-5 weeks not the whole cycle, and not with drol both at full dose. If this is your third cycle and you need this much gear, you had better change labs.
Second, Tren is 5x stronger than test, so why all that test? No need for it plus it'll cause so much gyno for you that you'll be out bra shopping.
Third, where is your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cycle, tren binds to the progesterone receptor but does not activate it, thus causing increased upregulation of estrogen. this means that you will be much more gyno prone on tren than on test alone.
Fourth, gaining fourty to sixty pounds on one cycle will be alot of fat because you can't grow muscle that fast even with aas. ...and I am not sure you can eve gain that much fat in that short a time.
So I have a couple of recomendations to you:
Either, drop the idea of tren, to a test/equipoise cycle with a dbol kicker, or
do a tren ace cycle like this:
1-3 dbol 40mg,
1-12 tren ace 200mg (and after 2 weeks you can up the dosage if sides are ok to a max of 400 if your gear is good)
1-12 masteron 500mg week
1-12 test at 250/week, doesn't matte which prop or enth
letro at 1/2 or 1/5 (so 1.25mg to .8mg) every 3rd day to keep the titties away
a proper 6 week pct of clomid if you want to recover best you can as tren will shut you down to 0.
but really, sounds like you shouldn't be taking the tren adventure yet, 3rd cycle, dbol, test and eq with a aromasin as your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and you should grow if your lab is good