My thread over at MM

that sucks man... i know what u mean... @ school 125 bucks will feed me for a week.

and holy shit that woMAN is freakish... If i had a wife that could beat the snot out of me i would be a headcase too!
Spread the word. I don't take any shit when someone messes with my money and I've had it happen twice. With the help of EA ans Steroidology both times I got my money back. I almost lost money from an advertiser on EA and I told EA it is part their responsibility for hiding the truth that other people weren't getting their stuff and EA being a good board canned their asses. I think it is part of the boards responsibility to figure this out because they are basically backing a scammer and that makes them look bad.
Thats fukd up. I cant imagine how pissed you are.
She is built like a dude so i guess you could hit her..LOL
Why would she do that, hell she could at least call her up or just give the fukn cash back....I wonder what that stupid ass will type up in the next few days trying to cover herself.

She won't even talk to me about it via Email or PM.

She did send my gf an Email telling her that she is going to finish out her program. MY GIRLFRIEND DOESN'T WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS BITCH!!!. It's pretty sad that I had to call her out in order to get her to follow her commitment.

She doesn't want to give back the money, so she said she is going to send her the rest of the program info and she can do with it what she wants.

What a total classless individual.

I wonder if I didn't call her out if she would have even Email her back one day.
EASTO- have her or you get in touch with me, i will do it for free on principal!!
easto, your girl is registered hear right? if not get her on here STAT!!!! we will answer her questions. and i personally would be more than happy to give her some advice; and for more than a mere 12 weeks and at the price of $00.00000000000000000000000000001 every 10 years :D

WOW, that's a nice gesture Sonis.

I sent you a PM and I also sent my gf the link to this thread. Her name on here is Eurochick, so if you get a PM its probably her.
Hi guys,
I just wanted to say thanks for offering all the help and for the support. It is pretty shitty what happened but I learned the hard way.
This did have the potential to turn me off the boards but it is really nice to know that there are people like you ALL out there thanks...
Other boards are not the same as this one, this one watches out for each other. Some boards could care less.