my upcoming cutting cycle


New member
ok so i have finally decided to do a cutting cycle, "all my previous cycles were bulking ones except fo my second cycle which was Winstrol (winny) only". im 30 years old, 6', 226 lbs, have several cycles under my belt "including 2 year round cycles, but my last cycle was 11 months ago", bf% is way higher than i want it to be, i already got the gear and this is how i intend to use it:

day 1-5: 200 mg dnp ed
day 10-70: 50 mg winstrol ed
day 10-70:200 mg test prop eod
day 10-60: 75 mg tren acetate ed
day 1-42: 25 mcg T3 ed
day 10-75: 100 mg proviron ed
day 5-20, 30-45, 55-70: 100 mcg clen ed
day 21-29, 46-54, 71-80: eca stack

i have lots of clomid for pct, and i also have nolva on hand "i dont think i will use though, i believe at that test dose proviron should combat aromatase caused by test prop". i also have equipoise that i wanted to add to get vascular but it usually makes me hungry which is something i dont think i will need on this cycle..

aside from my weight lifting routine, i will be using the treadmill for 30 minutes 4 times a week...

your inputs are welcome. please state any comments that could help me get the best out of this cycle...
at first glance, it looks good, very well thought out. that is a higher test dose and even though it is prop, some, like myself, still have issues with water retention. i would say drop it to 100 mgs eod. and you can certainly up your t3 dose to 100 mcg ed and clen can peak around 120 mcg on the high days. your tren a dose can be dropped as well to 75 mgs eod instead of ed. if you do consider dropping, still shoot 37.5 mgs ed. do your cardio in the morning before you eat and maybe up it to 5 days a wk @ 45 minutes. cut your carbs down and take them in the morning (post cardio) and in your first half of the meals for the day (esp pre and post wo). you definitely dont need eq, your cycle is good, just the doses are slightly unnecessarily high. very good cycle though man, good luck!
Not a good idea imho to take t3 at 25mg each day, your natural output is about 25-37.5mg a day, so why suppress that? Go for atleast 50mg, or just bump it with no more then 12.5mg ed, that will not suppress just boost it nicely.

I love proviron but honestly i think 50mg is fine.

You dont need the eq with what your doing, save it.
ok i think i will definitely pass on the eq for this cycle, and i will drop the tren and the prop doses, as for proviron, i just love the stuff and i have access to tons of it, i usually have water retention issues and it always helps with that, i always put in into any cycle "bulk or cut". Anyway thanx for the advice i really appreciate it :)