my wife wants to try the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) diet


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my wife wants to try the HCG diet

Ladies, please help me out here. Any of you tried this HCG diet before? My wife is looking to lose about 30pounds and be done. I think just because of the diet change that of course she will lose weight, but I don't want to see her go down to 500 calories a day like this diet says unless anyone on here can tell me it works. My goal is for the time she is on it to switch the eating habits and to keep those locked in even after the diet. Any advice on this, from anyone who has tried it or educated on it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks !!!!!!~!
Ladies, please help me out here. Any of you tried this HCG diet before? My wife is looking to lose about 30pounds and be done. I think just because of the diet change that of course she will lose weight, but I don't want to see her go down to 500 calories a day like this diet says unless anyone on here can tell me it works. My goal is for the time she is on it to switch the eating habits and to keep those locked in even after the diet. Any advice on this, from anyone who has tried it or educated on it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks !!!!!!~!

Welcome !

I think she should try to change her current diet/exercise.. She can acomplish her weight loss goals naturally, She really should focous on Cardio & clean diet, check out our diet forum, there's lots of helpful info there.. Remember no diet will work permanently unless she changes her eating /excercise habits.

I wouldn't do such an extreme diet, I have acomplished great results myself with diet & excercise..Good luck !
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here's my problem with this supposed HCG diet. Whether it works or not, 500 cals a day cannot be sustained for life, neither should a steady dose of HCG.

So try and get her mind in line with a total lifestyle change and not a fad and she will be much better off.
Ladies, please help me out here. Any of you tried this HCG diet before? My wife is looking to lose about 30pounds and be done. I think just because of the diet change that of course she will lose weight, but I don't want to see her go down to 500 calories a day like this diet says unless anyone on here can tell me it works. My goal is for the time she is on it to switch the eating habits and to keep those locked in even after the diet. Any advice on this, from anyone who has tried it or educated on it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks !!!!!!~!

I have not tried the HCG diet and are never going to (in fact, I don't "diet", period).

Of course she is going to lose weight - being ridiculous and only eating 500 calories a day, anyone is going to lose weight. It's not a HEALTHY way to lose weight though, and her body will lose both fat AND muscle (and losing muscle is not desirable), and she will essentially be STARVING herself, and as soon as she starts being "normal" again, she will probably rebound badly.

The HCG diet was touched on in My girlfriend needs help with her diet,hcg,phentermine.[/url].

As Mrs P said, your wife needs to look at her NUTRITION AND TRAINING and adjust those factors, instead of looking at a diet that is not manageable for life.

I recommend getting your wife to read The 3 Keys to Fat Loss - it contains comprehensive advice and information on nutrition, supplementation (only the Basic Staples - creatine, multivitamin/antioxidant, good fats, protein, and BCAAs - required), and training for effective and successful fat loss.

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Just don't have sex with her she will be spittig out eggs left and right. Anvar can be used in place of hcg here. I have heard of great success with the hcg diet.
I am not a lady but I could be for the right price.
So here is my spheel, I am going to try the hcg diet here as soon as my hcg comes in the mail. The 500 calories are from food, yes but the fat the body "loses" everyday (1-2pnds) is metabolized in your blood stream. Therefore you are getting a steady stream of calories/nutrition just not from food. I have been looking at this for the past 3 years.
My wife works at the hospital here and nurses on another floor did the "diet" and had great success, even the male gynecologist on her floor did and had great success and promotes it. But even after the "diet" like ANY OTHER DIET OUT THERE, if you don't learn good nutrition and eating habits then yes you will gain it back.
I dont think anyone should just jump into something without knowing the odds and ends of everything their is to know about what they want to do.
Most people say they cant even eat all the food you are supposed to and there by learning how "much" food they really need to put into their bodies.
I mean we are on a website that talks about the use of anabolic steroids, growth hormone and other UN-normal activities, and people see results from that....
So why is this any different?
If you need anything from me let me know.
I am not a lady but I could be for the right price.
So here is my spheel, I am going to try the hcg diet here as soon as my hcg comes in the mail. The 500 calories are from food, yes but the fat the body "loses" everyday (1-2pnds) is metabolized in your blood stream. Therefore you are getting a steady stream of calories/nutrition just not from food. I have been looking at this for the past 3 years.
My wife works at the hospital here and nurses on another floor did the "diet" and had great success, even the male gynecologist on her floor did and had great success and promotes it. But even after the "diet" like ANY OTHER DIET OUT THERE, if you don't learn good nutrition and eating habits then yes you will gain it back.
I dont think anyone should just jump into something without knowing the odds and ends of everything their is to know about what they want to do.
Most people say they cant even eat all the food you are supposed to and there by learning how "much" food they really need to put into their bodies.
I mean we are on a website that talks about the use of anabolic steroids, growth hormone and other UN-normal activities, and people see results from that....
So why is this any different?
If you need anything from me let me know.

its not different in that regard. Its just nonsense. 99% of people who try this will be fad dieters and will gain back any weight they lost because they are looking for a shortcut. like i said, getting fit is about lifestyle change, not 500 calories and powder from womens piss and a measley 500 calories.

And if i ever heard a man say they couldn't eat 500 calories in one meal, much less one day... they would immediately be stripped of their man card.
I want to say I did two rounds of this 2 years ago lost 40 pounds total and have kept the weight off it was just what I needed to get my butt back in the gym. Yes its hard and you have to plan everything out. No going out to eat no cheating on a small piece of candy. But if its something she really wants she will do. But when you cheat you will tell and it slows down your process. Yes 500 is crazy, and hard. But anyone who competes think about this. I am now getting ready for my first show, and really I eat around 800 cals mostly protein some greens. So everyone who is saying that HCG is super stupid and not real it is. People who compete when it comes down to 6 weeks out what do you really eat for 40 days? On top of our crazy workouts and cardio? Its just like HCG but with the HCG drug it takes the edge off of eating 500 cals. If she would like to talk to someone please PM me. I hope all is well.
My wife doesn't come on the boards, but she would love to ask u a few questions If u could pm me your email.
I want to say I did two rounds of this 2 years ago lost 40 pounds total and have kept the weight off it was just what I needed to get my butt back in the gym. Yes its hard and you have to plan everything out. No going out to eat no cheating on a small piece of candy. But if its something she really wants she will do. But when you cheat you will tell and it slows down your process. Yes 500 is crazy, and hard. But anyone who competes think about this. I am now getting ready for my first show, and really I eat around 800 cals mostly protein some greens. So everyone who is saying that HCG is super stupid and not real it is. People who compete when it comes down to 6 weeks out what do you really eat for 40 days? On top of our crazy workouts and cardio? Its just like HCG but with the HCG drug it takes the edge off of eating 500 cals. If she would like to talk to someone please PM me. I hope all is well.
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Its not letting me PM you... Guess I am to new to be able to do that yet if you could PM me then I can give you my email address!
I want to say I did two rounds of this 2 years ago lost 40 pounds total and have kept the weight off it was just what I needed to get my butt back in the gym. Yes its hard and you have to plan everything out. No going out to eat no cheating on a small piece of candy. But if its something she really wants she will do. But when you cheat you will tell and it slows down your process. Yes 500 is crazy, and hard. But anyone who competes think about this. I am now getting ready for my first show, and really I eat around 800 cals mostly protein some greens. So everyone who is saying that HCG is super stupid and not real it is. People who compete when it comes down to 6 weeks out what do you really eat for 40 days? On top of our crazy workouts and cardio? Its just like HCG but with the HCG drug it takes the edge off of eating 500 cals. If she would like to talk to someone please PM me. I hope all is well.

you're missing the point. i never said it would work, i said its stupid to do just like any other fad diet. Just not responsible health-wise.

And i don't know what kind of show you're doing, but unless you weigh 58lbs, 800 calories is not smart. i don't care if you're a competitor. So is my wife, and she eats a helluva lot more than that.

Getting fit and staying fit is about overall health. Not taking shortcuts.
You cant criticize others when everyone here is one way or another looking for a shortcut. I mean we are on a web site that talks about the use of anabolic steroids.
For the body to put on X amount of muscle and for some to lose it right away, isn't healthy or really even keeping x amount of muscle on your body for as long as you can and putting more and more on. All the precautionary medicine one would take on a cycle, to prevent side effects isn't healthy.
The blood work every couple months, to make sure our bodies are not going out of whack. We all are looking for something to help us get to where we want, is my point.
You cant criticize others when everyone here is one way or another looking for a shortcut. I mean we are on a web site that talks about the use of anabolic steroids.
For the body to put on X amount of muscle and for some to lose it right away, isn't healthy or really even keeping x amount of muscle on your body for as long as you can and putting more and more on. All the precautionary medicine one would take on a cycle, to prevent side effects isn't healthy.
The blood work every couple months, to make sure our bodies are not going out of whack. We all are looking for something to help us get to where we want, is my point.

You may consider gear a shortcut. i don't. because i know what it takes to gain and maintain muscle the right way, without gear, unlike most on these boards who jump into gear and like you just said, can't seem to keep gains. You know why? Cause they are looking for a shortcut.

And that is why this diet sucks.

Plenty of fad diets work, but most suck because they are unhealthy or lack the ability to maintain the weight loss they provide... usually in a short period of time.

So please don't lump the people like me who bust our ass for the physiques we've built with proper nutrition and hardcore training (using gear as a tool to go beyond natural limits) in with you and others.
I acctually lifted for 12 years and was 6ft 244 before I ever tried my first cycle. I was on a bodybuilding team and just never did quite get to where I thought I quite needed to be to step on stage. So I know about he hard work and stuff, but I also know that when I would waste my money on the supplements and stuff it would motivate me to work out harder wanting to see results. I just hope the drops motivate her to get her diet on track then I'm gonna make sure we keep our eating that way. If it takes some appetite suppressent drops to get her to make the initial change then I'm gonna role with it. And I know ur hard work comment wasn't directed towards ne cause u don't know my history, just looking yo motivate the women with the ultimate goal of her getting in a normal workout program and to change her way of life.

You may consider gear a shortcut. i don't. because i know what it takes to gain and maintain muscle the right way, without gear, unlike most on these boards who jump into gear and like you just said, can't seem to keep gains. You know why? Cause they are looking for a shortcut.

And that is why this diet sucks.

Plenty of fad diets work, but most suck because they are unhealthy or lack the ability to maintain the weight loss they provide... usually in a short period of time.

So please don't lump the people like me who bust our ass for the physiques we've built with proper nutrition and hardcore training (using gear as a tool to go beyond natural limits) in with you and others.
Sometimes that what it takes we girls love to see right now results! And with this its something you see and control everyday! when you mess up youll see it on the scale that night and sometimes even two days after... It gets your mind in the habit of knowing if I eat that I will have to work twice as hard to take it off... As we all know our "cheat meals" we let ourselves have but the next day its back to clean eating and lifting hardcore... Best of luck
I acctually lifted for 12 years and was 6ft 244 before I ever tried my first cycle. I was on a bodybuilding team and just never did quite get to where I thought I quite needed to be to step on stage. So I know about he hard work and stuff, but I also know that when I would waste my money on the supplements and stuff it would motivate me to work out harder wanting to see results. I just hope the drops motivate her to get her diet on track then I'm gonna make sure we keep our eating that way. If it takes some appetite suppressent drops to get her to make the initial change then I'm gonna role with it. And I know ur hard work comment wasn't directed towards ne cause u don't know my history, just looking yo motivate the women with the ultimate goal of her getting in a normal workout program and to change her way of life.

ur right, it wasn't directed at you. Unfortunately like calicat said, women are horrible about wanting to see results now. That's why they get sucked into this shit so much.

whatever you think will work. hope it does. just try and get her thinking like you do now, lifestyle change, not just right now.

Good luck.
Sometimes that what it takes we girls love to see right now results! And with this its something you see and control everyday! when you mess up youll see it on the scale that night and sometimes even two days after... It gets your mind in the habit of knowing if I eat that I will have to work twice as hard to take it off... As we all know our "cheat meals" we let ourselves have but the next day its back to clean eating and lifting hardcore... Best of luck

I hear you Girl,

Girls have so much pressure now days the media, magazines, and even BF/Spouses to look a certain way...They feel they need to change themselves..But you have to do it for your self & not anyone else..
Everyone wants a great body..But we have to keep in mind that no matter what diet you do & the success you have on the diet, if you don't do a lifestyle change & train you mind & understand that is a life long commitment, chances are very high you'll gain the weight back & then do the cycle all over again.

I think people motivate themselves differently, you should do whatever motivates you & gets you to start making changes....For some it's hard to just stop their habits & totally change their behavior overnight, & for some all it takes it's just setting their mind to do it.

If this diet or any other diet is what will take to make anyone change to a healthier lifestyle.. Then be it, but remember the only one that can decide if it will have a long term success is you by making long term lifestyle changes & sticking by them.
I hear you Girl,

Girls have so much pressure now days the media, magazines, and even BF/Spouses to look a certain way...They feel they need to change themselves..But you have to do it for your self & not anyone else..
Everyone wants a great body..But we have to keep in mind that no matter what diet you do & the success you have on the diet, if you don't do a lifestyle change & train you mind & understand that is a life long commitment, chances are very high you'll gain the weight back & then do the cycle all over again.

I think people motivate themselves differently, you should do whatever motivates you & gets you to start making changes....For some it's hard to just stop their habits & totally change their behavior overnight, & for some all it takes it's just setting their mind to do it.

If this diet or any other diet is what will take to make anyone change to a healthier lifestyle.. Then be it, but remember the only one that can decide if it will have a long term success is you by making long term lifestyle changes & sticking by them.

I agree I have a sister 5 years older than me 6 foot 360 pounds easy she tried the diet lost 60 but within a few weeks it was back bc she said it was to hard to not eat things like junk and workout. In the end she and I don't talk bc I kept my lifestyle and she couldn't... Its true you have to want it!!!!