I blew my weigh in - a friend was having a crisis and by the time it was calmed down I had completely forgotten...this Sunday will be a weigh in day, though.
Well, I forgot to add in the weight of the sled to my incline leg press - the sled weighs 120 pounds, so I have to add 120 pounds to all the weights moved on the sled! I also forgot to add in the weight of the bar for the bench press, which is 20 pounds. I also upped my weights on many things, here are my new numbers. I do everything but legs every day and do legs on Thursdays.
Flat Bench Press: 15, 4, 6, 8, 20 - 130, 160, 140, 130, 80
Flat Bench Flys: 20, 20, 20 - 20, 20, 17.5
Narrow Grip Rows: 15, 4, 6, 8, 20 - 120, 155, 135, 115, 65
Shoulders (numbers are per arm - limited by my doctor)
Military Press: 15, 4, 6, 8, 20 - 10 for each
Side Lateral Raises: 15, 4, 6, 8, 20 - 10 for each
Front Lateral Raises: 15, 4, 6, 8, 20 - 10 for each
Shrugs: 20, 15, 20 - 10 for each
Incline Leg Press: 15, 4, 6, 8 - 480, 710, 660, 570
Leg Extensions: 15, 4, 6, 8 - 175, 240, 195, 180
Leg Curls: 15, 4, 6, 8 - 145, 190, 160, 145
Calf Raises (done on a stepper to increase drop distance): 20, 20, 20 - Body Weight +45
Machine Bicep Curls (one arm at a time): 10 reps at 80, drop 10 pounds (one plate) and do 10 more reps, continue until at lightest weight for 20 reps
Machine Tricep (one arm at a time): 10 reps at 55, drop 10 pounds (one plate) and do 10 more reps, continue until at lightest weight for 20 reps
I saw my surgeon today and he said I am healing very nicely, he said I am healed further than he would have expected and said I could double my weight lifted (per arm) to 40 pounds. That is more like it! I am going to keep doing isoluation exercise for now until the swelling is down more. Slow and steady so I do not have to get it redone. My surgeon said he would make it very painful for me if he had to redo all his fine work.