My Year With 3J - a journey into fitness

It is easier to do the light 30 mins than the hard 20 minutes of cardio. Good tunes in the earphones and a hot chick on the machine in front make a world of difference! :D
It is easier to do the light 30 mins than the hard 20 minutes of cardio. Good tunes in the earphones and a hot chick on the machine in front make a world of difference! :D

What tunes are you listening to?

As for the hot ladies...I've seen 1...that's it girl at my gym in all the years I've been there. Mostly dudes at my gym but of the girls that go they are too busy reading books while doing crunches or texting while on the leg press. I seriously see no hot lifters at my gym. The one girl, who is awesome, is only there the rare evening I go. I'm going WAY off topic with this, but she's probably one of the only Japanese girls I've seen, in or out of the gym, that has a nice pair of glutes that compliments the rest of her body. I've got a very blurry picture of her on my phone but I'll save that for another post.

cybr...we've got a year of rivalry ahead of us. Get healed!!
We have a lot of cardio bunnies at my gym - so I make sure I am behind one of the hot ones when I do my cardio. If I stare straight ahead, like everyone does, all I see is a fine ass moving with each of her steps. :) We also do have several hot women lifters, which is nice!

I mostly listen to groups such as Pantera, Halestrom, Five Finger Death Punch, Disturbed, Nothing More, Korn, etc. Keeps my blood pumping.
01-03-16 First update of the new year

My diet was pathetic this week - but like you have said, it is the holidays and it is to be expected. One should enjoy the holidays and worry about recovering from it afterwards, so that is what I am going to do. My stomach and waist both went up a half inch and my weight went up 5 pounds. I have my work cut out for me now, but I did enjoy the holidays. :)

My elbow is slowly feeling better, but my fingers feel tingly a lot now, like they have the blood flow restricted, but they are not colder or a color shade different like they would be if that was the case. I am wondering if it is the HGH doing it. 2IUs a day should not give me any such sides, though, right? If the main reduction keeps up at its current pace, I am thinking another 2 weeks and I will be pain free in my elbow.

I got two of the 30 minute cardio sessions in. I found I actually prefer the moderate 30 minutes vs the heavier 20 minutes...and the machine says I am burning more calories. I am taking GW50 and it really has improved my endurance by a noticeable amount.

Onto my current stats:

*Weight: 198
*Neck: 16.75
*Chest: 40.5
*Stomach: 36.25
*Waist Line: 35.75
*Biceps: L: 12.75 R: 12.75
*Thighs: L: 24 R: 24
*Calves: L: 15 R: 15
*Forearms: L: 12 R: 12
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I am going to give the credit to the GW50 I am taking, I am finding cardio enjoyable to do now. I did 20 minutes at about 125bpm, then 12 minutes at 140bpm, then 5 minutes at 130bpm and stopped...for a total of 32 minutes. Afterwards I actually felt energized instead of wiped out. My legs always feel like they have been worked afterwards, but the rest of me felt alive and full of life and energy. Very different than a scant 3 months ago, where I dreaded cardio and wanted to sleep forever afterwards.

Not doing and weight pushing, though I was thinking about doing legs on days I do not do cardio - but only the machines where my arms are not needed at all. EDIT: 3J said adding legs will be fine.

I get my blood work done for my urologist (TRT guy) this coming Thursday, then I can up my Test level and start taking some low dose Deca again. I am going to try to talk him into giving me 100mg per week instead of 75mg a week - I feel better on a slightly higher level. Even if he says no, I have plenty of Test and am going to do it anyway. :)

I see my regular doctor in 2.5 weeks, by then I will know if the flossing exercises worked or not and he will send me to a specialist. Stay tuned for updates on my trials and tribulations. The universe is really working hard to try and make me fail...but it does not know the power it faces in a combined Sage/3J power house!

Enough blabbering, onto my current stats. I dropped two pounds and a few measurements dropped slightly also. A good direction to be going in now.

*Weight: 196
*Neck: 16.75
*Chest: 40.25
*Stomach: 36
*Waist Line: 355
*Biceps: L: 12.75 R: 12.75
*Thighs: L: 24 R: 24
*Calves: L: 15 R: 15
*Forearms: L: 12 R: 12
Just noticed I forgot to add an update about my elbow! My doctor now thinks I have Median Nerve Entrapment. Some of my fingers have started getting numb, just like they would with carpal tunnel, but since the pain is in my elbow and not my wrist they think the entrapment is there. I am setting up an appointment for an ECM, which measures electrical impulses through the nerves to find where the pinching is going on so they can try to fix it. Most likely I will need elbow surgery.
Got my blood work done for the TRT guy - now I can go back up to 500mg of test a week and 250mg of deca a week (for joint relief).

I have an appointment with a sports medicine doctor to do some soft tissue therapy, specifically ACT (Active Release Techniques), to see if he can break my nerves free without surgery. I have an EMG (Electromyogram) scheduled for mid March and I really do not to wait that long for "traditional" medicine to tell me what my doctor and I already know so we can schedule ANOTHER appointment to do something about it.
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I lost another 2 pounds, down to 194. I am going to pause this log until I have something to add, since the only things I can add now are a slow loss of weight and whining about my elbow and my fingers feel like they are busting in to flames whenever I use my right arm.
Just had my first ART session (yes, I messed up the acronym in the last entry...Active Release Techniques makes for ART, not ACT). They guy was nice, informative, and skilled. He found one vertebrae that was slightly out of alignment and said he would realign my spine for free to ensure it was not contributing to other issues. First time I had that done - I feel "looser" now in my spine. He then concentrated on my elbow. My radius bone also was not spinning properly when I turned my arm over. It was rolling on top of the ulna bone and moving with it, instead of spinning in a circle. He used a device that smacked the bone when it reached a certain point and it eventually broke free as well, now it turns properly. He said this was also not my main problem, but a contributor to why it happened.

He then started the actual ART session. He pushed hard on where my nerves exit the elbow and had me do a bunch of motions with my arm and wrist to help loosen muscles and such. He said it usually takes 8 or so sessions before the nerves break free - and that is if there is only one cause of the issue...I could have both elbow AND wrist entrapment - you just cannot know at the start. He wants to do 2 sessions a week - so 8 sessions will be a month.

I am very sore now - he said to expect it for a few hours.
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I can say, with great happiness, that it appears to have greatly reduced my pain in my hand! I can type a lot longer before my fingers burst into flames and driving today did not make me want to lop my arm off at the elbow and be done with it.

ART really seems to be able to help! I have my next session on Thursday morning and I am looking forward to it. Heck, I might actually get some sleep tonight.

The sports medicine doctor cleared me to start doing weight training again, so I am restarting this log. He said to listen closely to my body and that is what I intend to do. To start off right, here are my current stats:

*Weight: 193
*Neck: 16.25
*Chest: 30.25
*Stomach: 35.75
*Waist Line: 35
*Biceps: L: 12.5 R: 12.5
*Thighs: L: 24 R: 24
*Calves: L: 15 R: 15
*Forearms: L: 11.75 R: 11.75

Look for updates throughout the week. I will post weights pushed as I do the exercises each day.
WOW! My chest exercises have plummeted in weight. This is not due to not working out, but due to the nerve entrapment. At a certain point my right arm simply ceases to engage and does NO work at all. For example, my Flat Bench Flys used to be done at 3 sets of 20, 30 pounds each set. I picked up the 30 pound dumbbell, laid flat on my back, put the dumbbells above me and started to move them outward to the proper start position and BAM!!! My right arm just decided to no longer work and the dumbbell was on my chest in an instant. Only 30 pounds, so no harm done, but I was a bit shocked. I had to drop to 15 pounds before the right arm would engage. I will be so happy when this nerve entrapment is fixed! My left arm can still do the 30 pounds, working hard to do it, but I have to drop them both else one arm grows huge while the other stays small. :(

I also tested out biceps and triceps, just to see how they would respond. No numbers until Arm Day, but I found biceps worked as expected but triceps had the same problem with a lack of muscle engagement at too high a weight. BLAH!

On Sunday, I will update with body measurements. Onto the exercises:

Flat bench press: 15 reps of 100 pounds, 4 reps of 130 pounds, 6 reps of 110 pounds, 8 reps of 90 pounds, 20 reps of 50 pounds
Incline bench press: 15 @ 70, 4 @ 110 , 6 @ 90, 8 @ 60, 20 @ 40
Flat bench flys: 3 sets of 20 @ 15 pounds
Back Day

Bent over single hand rows 15@55lbs , 4@70lbs , 6@65lbs , 8@55lbs , 20@35lbs
Wide grip pull downs 15@110, 4@130, 6@115, 8@100, 20@60
Narrow grip rows 15@95, 4@135, 6@115, 8@95, 20@45
Rack lifts 15@180, 4@220, 6@200, 8@190
Info from both shoulder and leg day. I LOVE leg day! I love it even more now that I saw a classic "skip leg day" example at the gym...I should have snapped a pic. The guy was huge..his chest massive and his lats were super impressive. His arms were almost as large as my legs. Then, thinking about legs, I looked down at his and cringed. My FOREARMS are as large as his legs!! I also gasped out loud in shock and horror...but managed to not. Still, it took me a few moments to tear my eyes away - much like the horror of seeing someone hit by a train. You do not want to keep looking but you cannot stop yourself.

Military press 15@30lbs, 4@40lbs, 6@30lbs, 8@25lbs, 20@15lbs
Side lateral raises 15@20, 4@30, 8@25, 8@20, 20@10
Front lateral raises 15@20, 4@25, 8@17.5, 8@15, 20@7.5
Shrugs 20@65, 15@70, 20@65

Leg Day
Squats 15@90lbs, 4@180lbs, 6@110lbs, 8@90lbs
Leg extensions 15@175, 4@230, 6@185, 8@165
Leg curls 15@140, 4@180, 6@150, 8@135
Calf raises 20, 20, 20 - All done holding a 45lb plate and standing on a step up doohickey.

I am feeling lighter and thinner - the thinner part comes from how much easier it is to buckle my belt. :)
Had food poisoning last week. Remember, just because Yogurt SMELLS good and TASTES good, does not mean it actually IS good! I wanted the active cultures to help with digestion of food and smoother bowel movements. Instead I got very rapid bowel movements and a repeatedly emptied stomach. Not fun.

Just had my EGM test done...I have severe carpal tunnel in the right wrist. I also have to have an MRI done on my neck because the neurologist is confident my severe loss of tricep strength is due to a pinched nerve in there somewhere. Why have one problem when I can have many, right?

At least they found problems that have known fixes...I can finally get relief.
So far I have done (3) cardio sessions this week, which started on Monday. Today is leg day, so no cardio today (obviously). Monday is my MRI for my neck.

I LOST 5 POUNDS!!! Down to 192!! A silver lining in the storm clouds of my life. :) Concentrating on Cardio and Legs right now, since I have no other choice. I am checking in a day early because I will be out of town all day today and all day tomorrow. Of course, I do not know where the weight loss came from - ALL my other stats stayed the same...

Onto the stats:

*Weight: 192
*Neck: 16.5
*Chest: 41
*Stomach: 35.25
*Waist Line: 35
*Biceps: L: 12.5 R: 12.5
*Thighs: L: 24.5 R: 24.5
*Calves: L: 15 R: 15
*Forearms: L: 11.75 R: 11.75
Had my MRI done - I have a bulging disc at the C7 location in my neck. No clue how I did that! I spoke to Orthopedics to setup an appointment to figure out a game plan and the women I spoke to thinks my carpal tunnel is actually being caused in my neck, so they will concentrate on the next and she is fairly certain the wrist will be fixed too. That much is good news.

So I am still crushing cardio and doing legs. I am going to add in push ups to keep the upper body doing SOMETHING.
Great work...keep it up. Remember, though with 3j's reverse pyramiding that you should be at failure at the last rep or two of each set. I see you're sticking closely to the recommended rep ranges but those are implied...failure is assumed. For example, my reverse pyramid sets look like 20, 5, 6, 9, 16, etc. The purpose, at least from my understanding, is to get the maximal benefit from both high and low rep training - most importantly hypertrophy, which is best achieved during failure.