Myostatin Blocker


Has anyone ever tried any Myostatin Blocker? I have seen some from pp and was interested in the results
Has anyone ever tried any Myostatin Blocker? I have seen some from pp and was interested in the results

They come with their own set of unique issues. Its not really something I would use, unless your trying to get the final edge over a top grade Pro tourney and your already maxed out on every other

Makes you look like this.
If you can gain alot off it you would need to do a pct with steroids and peptides, and then pct for that lol. That is if you gained ALOT, and got off, to keep the gains.
what about Ace-031?

ACE-031 Clinical Trials in Duchenne MD Stopped for Now

"The adverse events that the trial participants experienced — minor nose and gum bleeding and dilation of blood vessels in the skin — were not, in and of themselves, considered dangerous. However, the companies and regulatory agencies involved say they need to fully understand these events before continuing clinical studies of ACE-031."

ACE-031 was well tolerated at all dose levels and demonstrated a linear pharmacokinetic profile with an average half-life ranging from 10-15 days
Single doses of ACE-031 at 1 mg/kg and 3 mg/kg produced dose-dependent increases in lean body mass measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) as early as day 15 that were sustained through day 57
Subjects given single doses of placebo had a 0.2% decrease in lean body mass at day 57 compared to a 2.4% increase in subjects receiving 1 mg/kg ACE-031 and a 2.6% increase in subjects receiving 3 mg/kg ACE-031
Subjects given single doses of placebo had a 0.2% decrease in muscle volume assessed by MRI at day 29 compared to a 3.5% increase in subjects receiving 1 mg/kg ACE-031 and 5% increase in subjects receiving 3 mg/kg ACE-031
ACE-031 favorably affected biomarkers of fat mass (increased adiponectin and decreased leptin) and bone formation and resorption (increased bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BSAP) and decreased C-terminal type 1 collagen telopeptide (CTX)) at doses of 1 and 3 mg/kg