Myostatin initiator or blocker

I can tell you with certainty there is no way a peptide based-inhibitor of myostatin sold by any company is going to work. It is scientifically impossible. There are only 2 legitimate strategies to inhibit myostatin in humans, and both are complicated biologic products. One is a modified antibody that binds myostatin (My029) and the other is an activin 2b receptor ligand binding domain that is linked to a humanized Fc receptor portion of an antibody. Both have been tested in non-human primates and shown to work and even build some muscle, and both have been in recent human clinical trials, although in those trials no muscle growth was observed (complications were observed). There is absolutely no way any of you guys could get either of these 2 inhibitor biologics. They are each generated by major pharmaceutical companies and their production costs is in the millions of dollars at this point. Would be nearly impossible for any of these products to slip out the door either, as they are highly guarded. No other strategy based on a pill or injectable will work.

Gene therapy based on viral delivery will work some day, but we currently lack the scientific acumen to infect all muscle and associated muscle satellite cells to make this feasible. We are probably a decade away from any sort of stable genetic manipulation of skeletal muscle on a whole body level.

Bottom line, there is absolutely no possible way that any one could sell you a viable agent for inhibiting myostatin. Save your money.
Follistatin would work as well, but it is also a very complicated biologic product that is only made from a recombinant source, and its production and purification are not trivial, even for the best research laboratories or pharmaceutical companies. However, this product has never been tested in humans, and it is not just a myostatin inhibitor, as it blocks a number of other TGFbeta super family members, so I would not take the risk of injecting this stuff if somehow you had a source. But again, my guess is that active follistatin would be just as hard to find, and crazy expensive. Underground labs cannot make this stuff, has to be a real high level research lab that has experience with generating recombinant proteins of this type (highly folded structure).
Basically, the word on Myostatin Inhibition is.. dont fuck with it just yet.

A true myostatin inhibitor will generally cost thousands not hundreds.. and if you simply injected it, your body would destroy it..goodbye all your moneys..

So, to prevent that you need an Adenovirus Vector, and an immuno-suppressant. You somehow, attach the inhibitor to your virus and then inject.

The adenovirus allows it to attach to cells and spread through to other existing cells. It will not stick around during cell replication however.. It will travel and infect new cells if the virus is still present though..Your body will recognize the virus and work to fight it keep in mind. An immuno-suppressant is used in order to stop that and allow the virus to spread freely.

There is also some word about genetic modification too.. but who do we know that's this deep into the science of it..

That's what I've read that seems the most promising, and especially the least far fetched.. to have something come so easy has to require some sort of sacrifice right?

Does this end with you turning into one of these
View attachment 561002
Muscle Zombie.
In all honesty what you wrote sounds great but kind of like a lot of medical firsts also sounds beyond risky.