Myth or fact - muscle growth at injection site


I am banned!
I've stumbled across this idea a few times in my readings,, that certain compounds stimulate muscle growth faster in the muscle that was actually injected..
Myth, fact, bro science.... Anyone have real world experience with this or any research done?

If there is any truth to this, then yeah this cycle I'll be pinning my quads all the damn time then (multiple back surgeries, quads are a weak point)

Note: yeah sure if I inject 2cc in my delt they will feel a little bigger and swole,,, but I'm talking actual muscle growth
Hmmm. Interesting, but sounds like bro science. Never even heard of this. If it was truth I would only inject calves.
Think I first read it in an online version of the steroid bible, or steroid handbook , something like that.. Probably just old school urban legend. Guys injecting 5cc at a time (like the beast half whit ;).. And the injected muscle is a bit swollen from all that gear in it
My coach has me doing site injections and trains multiple ifbb pros. If he tells me to inject my dick i will.
I've stumbled across this idea a few times in my readings,, that certain compounds stimulate muscle growth faster in the muscle that was actually injected..
Myth, fact, bro science.... Anyone have real world experience with this or any research done?

If there is any truth to this, then yeah this cycle I'll be pinning my quads all the damn time then (multiple back surgeries, quads are a weak point)
Note: yeah sure if I inject 2cc in my delt they will feel a little bigger and swole,,, but I'm talking actual muscle growth
You definitely can build site growth with AAS but the growth will come from scar tissue filling in the gaps created by the oil, and also by scar tissue created by the crystalline nature of the AAS molecule itself. My arms are proof of this. I built both bis and tris from the worst genetics ever by site injecting AAS almost daily for a year. I now use MCT oil which is a bit more friendly due to it in not being crystalline in nature. If you have ever seen crashed gear you will notice it looks like crystals which are essentially like shards of glass cutting into muscle tissue. This creates scar tissue which if injected in the same muscle, especially small muscles like bis, tris, and delts, it will develop size that looks great but is very hard to the touch. My biceps are peaked like tennis balls but if you squeeze them they feel like a tennis ball is in them. I'm very pleased with the look but I make sure to flex my bis before I let a hot female squeeze them. Haha :)
My favorite AAS to site inject is inject anadrol and inject dbol due to the fast acting, non ester of the inject. Unfortunately, my source got popped so I can't get those any more.
I was looking for information, and I can't find anything other than guys on other forums saying it works with no evidence. Probably just some scar tissue action and they think it is muscle
The only growth youll see is either growth from excessive scar tissue build up or temporary growth from inflamation.


and possibly .. POSSIBLY a slight stretch of mayostatin barrier around muscle with the inflammation. but i would not go into the spot injections IMO..
Speaking of which, guys who work in porn inject synthol into their dicks. That can't be good for you. I would not be shocked if someone pinned their junk with AAS by now...
Good thing you and I married asian women LOL j/k
Are you saying something about Asian guys ;)

No Asian wife here - exotic mixed (Russian/Jewish/Hispanic) olive skinned hottie, that just can't get enough bwc :)
And what's cool is when she wants to make a porn, the package looks even bigger on film (I heard that before, something like the camera adds 10 pounds, right ;)