N2Burn/Dermacrine fat loss cycle


New member
Hey guys, this is going to be my first time actually trying to cut. I started lifting weighing around 155 lbs @ 6' tall. I didn't realize how skinny I was until I look at old pictures of myself.

I'v done a couple ph cycles with relatively good results. I started lifting probably when I was around 19, now I'm 22. My max weight a couple weeks ago was 225, right now I'm currently around 218-223. I'v basically been "bulking" ever since I started lifting. Now the body fat is starting to catch up with me and I feel like I have gained enough muscle mass to start cutting. I would guess my body fat is around 22-25%, just judging by other peoples pictures.

Here is me about a year and a half ago:

I'm a lot more cut here, but I'm still only about 180 lbs and feeling small.

Here I am a few days ago @ 225:

Yeah the only thing good about my diet was that I was consuming a lot. I took about a month off before this picture due to injuries as well. I was quite surprised I started gaining that much weight to be honest, I never thought I could get past 200 lbs let alone 225... The stomach sorta just appeared one day and I was like uh-oh lol.... I really never did cardio due to a bad back injury and I didn't want to burn a calories.

I know that I gained a lot more body fat than I should have. But I think that the heavy eating I did also built up a lot of muscle under that fat, so i'm hoping to be a lot bigger than I used to be at the same body fat....

Logging this to give input about the product and to keep self on track.

Diet will be cut back considerably and will be eating a clean as possible. Cardio will be as much as possible as well.

I'm using dermacrine just because I had some lying around. I'm trying to stay off any strong/mild ph's for awhile...
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Man I really let myself go lol. I just keep telling myself that I needed to do that to gain the muscle mass and I just went a little overboard with the eating....
Lost a few pounds. Don't really feel much effect from the N2burn. Taking 3 a day. Diet is pretty on point, really watching not to consume too much. Cardio getting easier.
Do you think that the diet is leading to the weight loss or do you think its the supps?
I hope you take this as an advice .. Not an attack.
U gained weight that's for sure, but from here looks most of it is fat not muscles.
It's all about diet, and working out , and I guess those are not in check.

You still young , and those can be fixed in a blink.. So are good results..