actually a pic of me
ok so im probably as skeptical as the rest of you guys about supplements and preworkout drinks it seems like everytime we turn around theres the latest and greatest to hit the market. i just recently tried n2kts for the first time a week or so ago and let me just tell you this is some incredible stuff. it blows the mp assault ive been takin out of the water. first of all the scoops are a fraction of the size of assault and the pumps and vascular dialation ive been getting are incredible. ive completely switched to ntbm. i luv the muscle replenisher and the whey to build muscle and the power butter is off the chain. yeh i said off the chain lol so if your hesitating to try n2kts or anything from ntbm dont cause its gtg. thanks to bigkev for pointing me in the right direction preciate bro