

actually a pic of me
ok so im probably as skeptical as the rest of you guys about supplements and preworkout drinks it seems like everytime we turn around theres the latest and greatest to hit the market. i just recently tried n2kts for the first time a week or so ago and let me just tell you this is some incredible stuff. it blows the mp assault ive been takin out of the water. first of all the scoops are a fraction of the size of assault and the pumps and vascular dialation ive been getting are incredible. ive completely switched to ntbm. i luv the muscle replenisher and the whey to build muscle and the power butter is off the chain. yeh i said off the chain lol so if your hesitating to try n2kts or anything from ntbm dont cause its gtg. thanks to bigkev for pointing me in the right direction preciate bro
n2tks is the sh!t dude, plain and simple. I've converted so many jack3d guys by getting them to try n2tks it's crazy. Glad you are happy with it bro.
We appreciate the kind feedback. Someone like me can tell everyone how much we love it, but since we are associated with it some people disbelieve!

I am happy your enjoying the experience.
Thanks so much for the honest review. I really didn't have any doubt that you would like the N2KTS, most do..lol
If you think you like NTBM now wait until you try HcGenerate and Gear!!
i told bigkev the first day i took it i was is straight up retard mode for like 2 hours lol i usually keep my workouts to under an hour because i do supersets with most of my exercises and i dont want to put my body in a catabolic state or anything but i was in beast mode and really just wanted to ride it out
That's an awesome feeling, love it! I used 2 scoops of N2KTS this morning too for Quad day. 10 sets of squats and 5 sets of leg press later it was my body giving out, not my mind or energy level.
yeh milas i did the same thing today with my legs i just kept goin and goin and i started feelin total exaustion feeling and had to shut it down
N2KTS is a great pre work out, but it does not stop there all of ntbm supps are very great and i love them all. the mass protein bars are very good to i really like those alot.