Nalgene Bottle-top Filtering....problem


lil g

i got the .22 size pore and im filtering 500mL of deca .... its taking forever to thinking i should have gotten the .45 pore size.....for big amounts....and to top it off i cracked 2 filters.....
the 1000mL nalgenes i have .... much can they filter? 1000mL right? let me know what im doing wrong here cause its taking a long time
cracking? wtf. Are you pouring hot-as-hell oil into the filters?

I have the Nalgene .22 and I do have a problem getting 500mL through at time. I can't remember if I figured I was melting the filters or if they were just getting clogged.

IIRC, filtering just plain oil was fine but filtering test enan at 500mg/mL would be problematic after 200-300mL.
with a glass reciever flask....what pressure does everyone put theirs at?
when using beaker/flask... sterile??

when im using a beaker or flask im guessing its not completely sterile.. does this not matter considering everything will be filtered and BA added??
when im using a beaker or flask im guessing its not completely sterile.. does this not matter considering everything will be filtered and BA added??

sterilize ur flask or beaker first.....clean it with soap and water....then with alcohol then heat it up in the oven.....filter.......transfer to sterile vials then cook it up again.....thats it
lil g said:
sterilize ur flask or beaker first.....clean it with soap and water....then with alcohol then heat it up in the oven.....filter.......transfer to sterile vials then cook it up again.....thats it

thanks.. damn sorry i wasnt even payin attention that i put this in ur thread it just crossed my mind when i was reading and i put it as a response.. my bad hah thanks though