nandrolone prescribed on trt regimen


avi changes as i do
I'm thinking about asking my doc if he will prescribe me DECA to go with my test cyp trt regimen. Have any of you done this or have this going on for yourselves. Also, if for some reason I get denied with my attempt to get deca prescribed, can I just get some & run it on my own or will it come up in my blood test? Just trying to get a low dose(200/week) to help with joint pain. Thnx in advance for your input on this guys.
I'm thinking about asking my doc if he will prescribe me DECA to go with my test cyp trt regimen. Have any of you done this or have this going on for yourselves. Also, if for some reason I get denied with my attempt to get deca prescribed, can I just get some & run it on my own or will it come up in my blood test? Just trying to get a low dose(200/week) to help with joint pain. Thnx in advance for your input on this guys.

I've heard of people getting it on TRT guess it's up yo the dr. Normally deca would show up in your free testosterone. Not total t so if your dr test fir free he will see the rise.

That being said there are some guys that have run deca from a ugl along their trt and got a spike in their tt levels and it's suspected that some ugl are mixing test with their deca.

So if you do it yourself I would suggest dropping it bef I re your next scheduled blood work about 4 weeks before and get private blood work yo see where you are
I asked my doc for it once. He had no idea as to what it was. :-)

Not many docs are going to prescribe it for TRT. It would be an off label usage.
Got it. Though I saw the Dave palumbo you tube video I wondered how many trt docs would really just readily prescribe like that one did & if they all would know what DECA is & its uses for joint pain.......thnx!
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You can ask. Just don't get your hopes up. Some guys get it prescribed, just not many.

Here is what Wikipedia says Nandrolone in for:

Nandrolone decanoate is used in the treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women (though now not recommended) at a dose of 50 mg every three weeks. It is also used for some aplastic anemias.
Huh, wow! Funny, I've only read about the stuff on posts & info on it from sellers, that's where I got the joint pain managmnt from with taking it. Also read that it help regenerate I think cartilage tissue...not sure though. Ive used it in a past blast & it seemed to help with the shoulder pain I was going through at the time. Right now tendinitis is killing me. I'm doing some exercises I found online to rehab my elbows but supposedly 4-6 weeks b4 relief comes
This all said, and appreciated, do u guys suppose that if I decide to run the nandrolone on my own accord & the doc sees this in my labs, will he just cut me offor what? Thoughts?
Up to 2 summers ago anti aging clinics were def supplying it and then some strict laws were passed on the compound pharms and deca dried up quick. The clinics would also give you as many botles of test you want and orals and anything else. Now the compound pharms will only dole out the test at 2 vials a clip and you cant get the other stuff.

All I can see is TT, E2 and PSA. Nandrolone will only have a small effect on your E2. It aromatizes but at a much lower rate than Test. Just keep in mind that you may have to increase up your AI dosage depending on how much you run.

I am assuming you are looking at a small therapeutic dosage like 200mg per week, but make sure you keep an eye on your Prolactin and have a DA on hand just in case.
All I can see is TT, E2 and PSA. Nandrolone will only have a small effect on your E2. It aromatizes but at a much lower rate than Test. Just keep in mind that you may have to increase up your AI dosage depending on how much you run.

I am assuming you are looking at a small therapeutic dosage like 200mg per week, but make sure you keep an eye on your Prolactin and have a DA on hand just in case.

Thnx Tron, yeah just want 200/wk....gonna go ahead & just order the shit & run it myself. It doesn't sound too likely the doc would OK It....