natious (sp?)


Iron Man
I have had a very big problem for many years now. just about every single day for the past 5-6 years, i have felt natious (sick). a lot of times ill just start gaging out of nowhere, almost throwing up. my doctor says its all in my head that is making me sick. i was just wondering if diet could also play a part in this.

usually trying to eat breakfast i feel sick, but i tend to eat a lot just before bed (ie. pastas and hamburgers).
I'd say GERD but that's only because I've suffered from it in the past. That diagnosis came after lots of testing though. I'm surprised given your symptoms, that your doctor hasn't ordered more tests. :confused:

IMO get a new doctor and MAKE him listen to you!
could be gerd... if you can't eat a lot in the morning then eat lightly. change your diet up a little. are you eating the same foods over and over again? are they unhealthy foods? hamburgers and pasta before bed would make me puke too. If take in anything right before bed it's at the most some light protein. Nothing heavy like a burger or pasta.
are you taking any stimulants? coffee maybe?
0nyx said:
...just about every single day for the past 5-6 years, i have felt natious (sick) doctor says its all in my head...if diet could also play a part in this....

hey bro

diet will definitely play a role by either alleviating or aggrevating your symptoms of incessant nausea. In either case, it is not normal to experience this for years!!!

unfortuntely without knowing your current diet the following are only general guidleines - @ first ya may wish to skip the "heavy" meals righ before bed, eat small frequent meals (q 3 hrs), watch out for heavily processed foods (most commercial foods out there), watch your fat intake (especially the sat & trans types) - bascially eat "clean" & often

then, see another doc and support your statements with a "diet journal" - ie, tell him here is what I'm feeling, how often, @ this time, aggrevated by "this" kind of food, or "this" kind of food seems to help, etc

whether ya have GERD, Ulcer or gastritis, or any host of GI disorders, your "new" doc will have a good look @ ya by sending ya (most likely) for an upper GI series (@ least) to get to the bottom of this

all the best
great posts everyone.. Thank you for your help. i dont think i can change doctors just because he has been with my family for over 15 years, but im going to ask him if i can get some tests done at the hospital.

and yeah my diet is pretty bad id say. i mainly eat a lot of liptons sidekicks pastas. i am going to keep a journal and log everything thats going on.

thank you very much, hopefully i can get something done about this, its not a fun way to live lol .