Whats up guys, (and gals) going to experiment a little bit with my D-Spar. (As I like to call it). Can't cycle hormones yet, so I wanted to take a trial run at see how well it will boost my natty test levels.
My current stats are:
BF:15% (Maybe less, Army system is skewed in my belief.)
2 Mile Run: 13:30 (Just to tell you what my cardio looks like lol.)
Diet is fairly Clean: No fast foods!
I have 200 grams worth, (powder form) and I plan on using this product until I run out or I see elevated negative side effects. I.E. prolactin issues, negative effects with libido.
To combat this I plan on taking B-6/Zinc as well as my BCAA. Fish oils Ect.
Looking for small/moderate gains in libido and strength in the gym. Will post my results.
My current stats are:
BF:15% (Maybe less, Army system is skewed in my belief.)
2 Mile Run: 13:30 (Just to tell you what my cardio looks like lol.)
Diet is fairly Clean: No fast foods!
I have 200 grams worth, (powder form) and I plan on using this product until I run out or I see elevated negative side effects. I.E. prolactin issues, negative effects with libido.
To combat this I plan on taking B-6/Zinc as well as my BCAA. Fish oils Ect.
Looking for small/moderate gains in libido and strength in the gym. Will post my results.